“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1,14 KJV
…And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…”.
Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, John makes a declaration that is beyond human comprehension. The Word was with God! The Word was God! And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us! It stretches the human mind beyond its capacity to fully comprehend it. It bankrupts the human language to try and describe it! The only explanation for it is God! It can only be understood in God!
The Word is eternal! Before anything came into existence, there was the Word! (John 1:1). Before there was ever ink and paper, which we call the Bible, there was the Word! The Word is a Person! He has always existed and always will exist. The Word is God! The Word created all things! (Gen. 1 & 2; Psalm 33:6, John 1:3). The Word is the Lord Jesus Christ; the Second Person of the Godhead! The Word became clothed in sinless human flesh! The Word became one of us! He stepped into our world and lived in the midst of fallen, sinful humanity! Yet he never sinned! There is no greater passage in scripture that captures both the Deity of Jesus and the wonder and mystery of His incarnation in humanity!
He who dwells in eternity became restricted, to time and space while on earth. He who is self existent , experienced every need and emotion of humanity! And though He was clothed in humanity, His Deity was not diminished! He was (as the theologians say) “Very God of Very God!”
Who can explain this wonder and this mystery? Who can fully grasp the majesty of the incarnation of God in human flesh? The only thing anyone can do in light of this revelation and truth is to bow before Him in worship and adoration! What an awesome God we serve!
Rev. James W. Black