“For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.”
Col. 2:9 KJV
The Lord Jesus Christ came to reveal God to us. (John 1:14). Those who saw Jesus in the 1st Century actually saw God Himself manifested in the flesh. (John 14:9). The amazing thing about that was that He simply looked “ordinary”. (Isaiah 53:2). But that is exactly how the Holy One revealed Himself. He revealed Himself in the ordinary. He looked like an ordinary person. That was what made Him so difficult to recognize. And He still does that today. That is why so many miss seeing Him. It is not that He isn’t there. It is simply that He is overlooked.
God was revealed in the flesh. (1 Tim. 3:16). And that is the way He is still revealed today; in the flesh. Specifically, He is revealed in our flesh. Although we are flawed and imperfect, God still reveals Himself through His people! It is His people who share the gospel. It is His people who pray for the lost. It is His people who love other people. It is His people who minister to other people. It is His people who care for other people.
We (His people) are called to be the visible revelation of God (through Christ) to a world that has never seen God. We don’t always do the best job of that, but the wonderful thing is that His Grace enables us to do far more than we could ever possibly imagine (Eph. 3:20).
That is our chief purpose for being on the earth. We are called to be the visible revelation of God to a world that has never seen Him before. And every once in a while, someone who is truly looking for Him will get a glimpse of Him through one of us; just everyday “ordinary” us. That is amazing and overwhelming to even think about! And that in itself makes life worth living!
Rev. James W. Black