“And they rose up the same hour and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them, saying, ‘The Lord is risen indeed…”
Luke 24: 33-34 KJV
What a day it had been! There was the shock and horror of the brutal crucifixion and death of Jesus just three days before. Then the burial and the sealing of the tomb. And now, on this day, just three days after all of these events there were reports that Jesus was alive! That He had risen from the dead!
Most who heard these reports were skeptical. Why wouldn’t they be? No one who had ever been crucified and buried had ever risen from the dead! Everyone knew that when a man was dead that was the end! There was no coming back from that! After all, the only man who had ever, in their lifetime, raised anyone from the dead was now dead himself!
But as these two men journeyed home from Jerusalem to Emmaus (a small village 7 1/2 miles from Jerusalem) they were joined by a stranger. They had been discussing the confusing events of the past few days and were amazed to hear this stranger’s thoughts about those events (Luke 24: 25-27). They were so intrigued by his insight they insisted he stay overnight in their home.
As they began to share the evening meal together, this stranger took the bread, gave thanks to God, broke it, and passed it unto them. Suddenly, at that moment, their eyes were opened and they recognized Him! It was Jesus! Jesus was seated with them at their table! And as soon as they recognized Him, He vanished from their sight!
They were startled! They were amazed! They were filled with awe and wonder! Their heart overflowed with excitement and joy! Jesus was alive! They immediately forgot their meal and rushed back to Jerusalem, at 2-hour journey on foot. They burst into the room where the disciples and others were still gathered and joyfully declared: The Lord is risen indeed!
The realization that Jesus is alive, that He is risen from the dead, changes everything! It changed everything for them. And it changes everything for us. The truth that Jesus is alive comes by revelation. That revelation may come to us in different ways, but the outcome is the same. The Lord is risen! He is risen indeed! That changes everything! And we are never be the same again!
Rev. James W. Black