Month: June 2024

 Making Jesus Visible

 Making Jesus Visible

“For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.”

Col. 2:9 KJV

The Lord Jesus Christ came to reveal God to us. (John 1:14).  Those who saw Jesus in the 1st Century actually saw God Himself manifested in the flesh. (John 14:9). The amazing thing about that was that He simply looked “ordinary”. (Isaiah 53:2).  But that is exactly how the Holy One revealed Himself. He revealed  Himself in the ordinary.  He looked like an ordinary person.  That was what made Him so difficult to recognize. And He still does that today. That is why so many miss seeing Him.  It is not that He isn’t there. It is simply that He is overlooked. 

God was revealed in the flesh.  (1 Tim. 3:16).  And that is the way He is still revealed today; in the flesh. Specifically, He is revealed in our flesh. Although we are flawed and imperfect, God still reveals  Himself through His people!  It is His people who share the gospel. It is His people who pray for the lost.   It is His people who love other people.   It is His people who minister to other people.  It is His people who care for other people.

We (His people) are called to be the visible revelation of God (through Christ) to a world that has never seen God. We don’t always do the best job of that, but the wonderful thing is that His Grace enables us to do far more than we could ever possibly imagine (Eph. 3:20).

That is our chief purpose for being on the earth.  We are called to be the visible revelation of God to a world that has never seen Him before.   And every once in a while, someone who is truly looking for Him will get a glimpse of Him through one of us;  just everyday “ordinary” us.  That is amazing and overwhelming to even think about!  And that in itself makes life worth living! 

Rev. James W. Black

Our View of God’s Word Determines Our Walk

Our View of God’s Word Determines Our Walk

“Hear ye the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at His word…”

Isaiah 66:5

The Word of  God is alive and powerful (Heb.4:12). It is the Word of God that reveals God to us. (Col. 1:15). It is the Word of God that reveals to us the Truth about God (Isaiah 45:22) and the truth about ourselves. (Jer. 17:9).  It is the Word of God that reveals our need for salvation (Rom. 3:23).   And it is the Word of God that reveals to us the only provision for salvation. (Acts 4:12).  It is the Word of God that reveals our continual dependency upon Him. (John 15:5).

God Himself highly esteems His Word. He magnifies  His Word even above His own name! (Psalm 138:2). Therefore, if God has such a high regard for His Word, shouldn’t we?

When the Lord Jesus redeems us He calls us to follow Him.   It is the Word of God that instructs us how to follow.  When the Lord redeems us He calls us to a life of obedience.  What He calls us to obey is His Word.   We must learn to conform to the Word of God.  The Word of God does not conform to us! (Rom. 12:1). He has not called us to follow our feelings, our emotions, our ideas, or what the culture at large may be saying. No. He calls us to obey His Word. It is the Word of God that instructs us as to how we can successfully and joyfully navigate the maze of life.  It is in obedience to the Word that we discover the reality of Christ and the power of His Word in our daily life.  It is when we walk in obedience to the Word that we discover the adventure and the joy of following Christ.   

When the Lord speaks, He speaks through His Word.  Anything that He speaks can be confirmed by His Word!  That is how we know that what we hear is from God because The Holy Spirit will bear witness to what is spoken through the Word of God.  God will never speak anything that contradicts  His Word.  (Rom.8:14).

Therefore, if one has a low regard for the Word of God; if one does not treasure the Word, read the Word, and tremble at His Word; if one is not interested in learning and discovering the the power of the Word, that might explain why so many who profess Christ, do not really follow Christ.  For the genuine follower of Christ, obedience to the Word is not optional.  As Jesus honored the Word, so do His followers.

Rev. James W. Black

 He Has Given Us All Things

 He Has Given Us All Things

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us unto glory and virtue.”

2 Peter 1:3 KJV

Everything we need to live a godly life has been provided for us. The Lord Jesus did not redeem us and then abandon us.  The moment we were redeemed, He sent the Holy Spirit to indwell us, teach us, guide us, strengthen us, and empower us to be all that He desires for us to be.  The scripture is clear.  He has given “us all things that pertain unto life and godliness”.  It is already ours. 

The ability to honor Him in every area of our life is found in Him!  He is the One who enables us to live for Him!   Our responsibility is to simply learn from Him.  That requires being intentional in spending time with Him.  We learn from Him by opening and reading His Word.  We learn from Him by listening to Him.  We learn from Him by simply obeying what He says we are to do.   It really is not that hard.  The only time it is hard is when we do not want to do what He asks us to do because we naively think we know more than He does.   

This  Learning is an ongoing, lifelong process.  The wonder of Jesus is that we can never learn all that there is to learn.  Because we can always learn more than we currently know. As we intentionally grow, little by little,  in our knowledge of Him, we become more and more conscious of Him actively working in our lives.  That consciousness deepens and enhances the joy in our relationship with Him. The Christian life then becomes an exciting adventure!   

So, let us not be intimidated by the fact that we feel as if we are not spiritual enough, knowledgeable enough, or strong enough to live a life that pleases and honors the Lord; especially in a world that is diametrically opposed to Him. No.  He has already provided for us everything that we need. All we are required to do is to simply follow Him. He will take care of everything else. 

The Father of the Fatherless

The Father of the Fatherless

“A father of the fatherless and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation.”

Psalm 68:5 KJV

One of the greatest social issues plaguing our culture today is the issue of fatherlessness.  Many have had an abusive father, an indifferent father or an absent father.  The lack of fathers in the home is devastating to families across the board.  Our cities and our jails are filled with angry young men and  young women who long for a father’s love and affirmation.  The author Gordon Dalby calls it “the father wound.”  When a father is absent in their lives, young people will seek to find  affirmation somewhere else.   Sadly, even many father’s who are in the home fail to engage with their children by guiding them, teaching them, loving them  and helping them to learn how to become responsible and thriving adults.   There is a deep longing in every child’s heart for a father’s love.

The good news  is that God Himself understands that need and that longing. The heart of the Heavenly Father breaks for those who have never had a father in their life.   And He desires  to be our Heavenly Father.  Jesus paid the price for sin in order to make that possible. Jesus has brought all who will receive Him into the Heavenly Father’s family. He welcomes us and  invites us to embrace and experience the love of  our Heavenly Father.  (John 17: 23-24).

God the Father is our perfect father.  He is always with us to teach us, strengthen us, guide us, protect us  and help us as we walk through life.   We are never alone!  When we do not know what to do, our Heavenly Father does and is available with  wisdom and counsel (Isaiah 9:6).  He is always for us and never against us!   He always desires the best for us in all areas of life.  And when He corrects us it is always with love.  Because of Jesus, no one ever has to be fatherless again! 

Rev. James W. Black

The Importance of  Memorials

The Importance of  Memorials

“And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are; and when.I see the blood, I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the Lord throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance forever.” 

Exodus 12:13-14 KJV

The event of the Passover was the defining moment in the History of the Jewish people.  It was the moment when God fulfilled  one of His great  promises to Abraham.  It was the culminating moment of their deliverance from their  bondage in Egypt.  It was the moment that Israel became a nation (Gen.12:2). Israel had entered Egypt as a collection of 70 souls. (Gen.46:27).   Four hundred years later they came out as a nation of 2 to 3 million people!  And they came out with the wealth of Egypt; 400 years of back wages that God provided for them from their enemies. (Gen. 15: 14-15; Ex. 12: 35-36). 

Because of this momentous event, the Lord instructed Israel to establish the Passover as a memorial throughout their generations.  They were instructed to “keep it forever”. They were to keep it each year.  The purpose was to remind the succeeding generations of the faithfulness of God who had worked powerfully on their behalf. 

The Lord established seven different feasts to be observed and celebrated throughout the year in the life of Israel.   The purpose of those feasts was to serve as a memorial; to help them to remember.   The succeeding generations were to keep them so they would never forget the goodness of God. 

Because it is easy to forget, we need memorials as well.  It is important  to remember and celebrate  those moments  of God’s intervention in our lives.  Such moments as when He  saved us from our sin; made provision for us;  protected us; ministered healing to us or to our loved one;  or revealed His Presence to us in a time sorrow and loss.   Those are benchmarks of faith.  We should  never forget them.   They are given to us to help us remember that the Lord is with us.  Always!   

Rev. James W. Black

A note about the image

This is a picture of a Jewish man touching a Mezuzah as he enters a Jewish home or synagogue. A Mezuzah is a beautiful and special Jewish ritual object used to mark the doorposts of Jewish homes. Originating in the Torah, mezuzahs consist of two parts – the mezuzah case and the mezuzah parchment scroll called a klaf. The klaf contained inside the case is inscribed with specific Hebrew verses: sections of the Shema prayer beginning with the famous words, Shema Yisrael. The word “mezuzah” literally means “doorpost,” and it’s a Jewish door ornament used to fulfill the commandment for Jews to hang the words of the Bible on their doorposts. They also serve to remind those entering and leaving of the covenant between God and the Jewish people.