Author: James Black

How God’s Love Is Perfected In Us

How God’s Love Is Perfected In Us

“But whosoever keeps his word, the love of God is truly perfected in him.  This is the way we know that we are in union with him.”  (1 John 2:5 NASB). 

When we received the Lord Jesus as our Savior, the Spirit of God came to  dwell within us.  (Rom. 8:9).  That was the moment of our New Birth. (John 3:3).  For the first time in our life  we experienced  the indwelling love of God. (Rom.5:5).  That was the beginning of a new life and an entirely new way of living.  Before we lived in the darkness.  Now we live in His Light. (Col.1:13).

But the New Birth is just the beginning of our journey.  The Lord desires for His love, which we have received, to be perfected within us!   What does that mean?  The word “perfected” here is translated  from the Greek word “telioo” which literally means:  “to complete, accomplish, consummate, finish, or fulfill.”  (Strongs #5048). 

We know that God’s love in and of itself is already perfect and complete! Nothing can be added to it and nothing can  diminish it.  But  while God’s love is perfect, we are not. Now that  we are  in union with Him, we  are on a journey of  being perfected. (Phil. 1:6). What  the Lord is wanting to do is to complete,  finish  and  fulfill the work that  His love began in us on the day we were truly  born again.  That completion will take place when we finally see him face to face in glory!  (1 Cor. 13:12).

God’s love, which is already in us, is revealed and released more and more as we learn to walk in obedience to His Word!    Each time we obey we experience His pleasure and we see the power of His Word released in our lives and circumstances.   That in turn reveals more of His love to  us.  Our understanding of His love deepens.  And our love for Him grows. 

In essence, God’s love is perfected in us as we learn to walk in obedience.  That makes it simple.  Just do what He says and His love will be perfected in us.  (John 14:15).

Rev. James W. Black 

When God Is Silent

When God Is Silent

“And behold a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts and cried unto him saying, ‘Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil! But he answered her not a word…”

Matthew 15:22-23 KJV

Have you ever cried out to the Lord in desperation about a situation and in spite of the urgency of the matter, He was silent? When we are young in the Lord, He often answers quickly. The purpose is to assure us of His presence and His abiding love as we learn to walk in our new life in Christ. But as we mature in Christ, we will notice from time to time that although the need is urgent and the situation is desperate, at least from our perspective, the Lord is silent when we call out to Him!

When that first happens to us, we are often confused. Then, on top of that, we are then assaulted by the lies of the evil one! He immediately begins to condemn us and accuse us and then proceed to tell us lies about God. He tells us things like: “God does not love you!” Or “God has abandoned you.” Or that, “You have done so poorly and failed so badly that God has given up on you!” All of these are lies of course, but they can cause us great distress if we listen to them.

The thing we must remember is that when the Lord is silent, He still hears us! In this passage Jesus heard the cries of this desperate mother, but He did not answer her immediately. He waited. He said nothing. He did nothing. It appeared as if He was ignoring her altogether. She naturally interpreted His silence as rejection! But she knew that Jesus was the only One who could help her daughter! So, she continued to ask. And she continued to believe that He would answer! (Luke 18:7-8).

We know that because when Jesus did answer (Matthew 15:28), He commended her for her “great faith”. Sometimes God is silent because He wants us to learn to be confident that He always hears us; even where there seems to be a delay. He also uses such times to deepen and strengthen our faith.

So, whenever you experience the silence of God, remember that He does hear you! Just keep trusting Him! Just continue to keep your heart and mind focused upon Him! Just continue believing Him! Just continue asking Him. (Luke 11:9). The Lord is growing you. He is maturing you in your walk with Him. He wants you to learn to trust Him; not just for what He does, but simply because of Who He is!

Rev. James W. Black

Our View of God’s Word Determines Our Walk

Our View of God’s Word Determines Our Walk

“Hear ye the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at His word…”

Isaiah 66:5

The Word of  God is alive and powerful (Heb.4:12). It is the Word of God that reveals God to us. (Col. 1:15). It is the Word of God that reveals to us the Truth about God (Isaiah 45:22) and the truth about ourselves. (Jer. 17:9).  It is the Word of God that reveals our need for salvation (Rom. 3:23).   And it is the Word of God that reveals to us the only provision for salvation. (Acts 4:12).  It is the Word of God that reveals our continual dependency upon Him. (John 15:5).

God Himself highly esteems His Word. He magnifies  His Word even above His own name! (Psalm 138:2). Therefore, if God has such a high regard for His Word, shouldn’t we?

When the Lord Jesus redeems us He calls us to follow Him.   It is the Word of God that instructs us how to follow.  When the Lord redeems us He calls us to a life of obedience.  What He calls us to obey is His Word.   We must learn to conform to the Word of God.  The Word of God does not conform to us! (Rom. 12:1). He has not called us to follow our feelings, our emotions, our ideas, or what the culture at large may be saying. No. He calls us to obey His Word. It is the Word of God that instructs us as to how we can successfully and joyfully navigate the maze of life.  It is in obedience to the Word that we discover the reality of Christ and the power of His Word in our daily life.  It is when we walk in obedience to the Word that we discover the adventure and the joy of following Christ.   

When the Lord speaks, He speaks through His Word.  Anything that He speaks can be confirmed by His Word!  That is how we know that what we hear is from God because The Holy Spirit will bear witness to what is spoken through the Word of God.  God will never speak anything that contradicts  His Word.  (Rom.8:14).

Therefore, if one has a low regard for the Word of God; if one does not treasure the Word, read the Word, and tremble at His Word; if one is not interested in learning and discovering the the power of the Word, that might explain why so many who profess Christ, do not really follow Christ.  For the genuine follower of Christ, obedience to the Word is not optional.  As Jesus honored the Word, so do His followers.

Rev. James W. Black

What Is Sin?

What Is Sin?

“Therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”

James 4:17 KJV

We live in a culture that has all but lost any consciousness of sin. Because the culture has abandoned Biblical Truth, we have no standard  by which sin can be recognized or identified.  We have become much like it was during the days of The Judges (10th Century BC) when “every man did that  was right in his own eyes.” (Judges 17:6 KJV).   But the Word of God declares  that we “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”(Rom. 3:23 KJV).

But what is sin?  How do we define it?  We normally think of sin as doing certain things that are bad.  And  while such  things are certainly sinful, that still does not describe what it is.  In reality sin  is more than our outward actions. (Matthew 5: 27-28).

Major Ian Thomas in his classic book, The Indwelling Life of Christ, defines sin very clearly.  He says, “Sin is anything that falls short of God’s glory, so that God will evaluate sin as any behavior that falls short of what He does, what He says, and what He is.  Sin therefore, is exposed simply by relating our behavior to God’s behavior.  God is perfect and by that perfection you and I recognize sin, because sin is anything that falls short of His perfection.  God Himself is therefore the only standard by which sin is recognizable.” (Page 49). 

Sin, therefore, can only be recognized in the light of God Himself!  In the light of God’s perfect holiness,  we become keenly aware of our imperfection. (Isaiah 6: 1-5).  And we see that anything that is not perfect is sin!  Such a realization means that all of us are in trouble!  We all fall short of God’s Holy perfection!  Such a  revelation of His holiness and perfection, causes us to want to try to hide from His Presence (Gen. 3:8). 

But the Good News of the Gospel is that Jesus has paid for all our sin in full!  (Col. 2: 12-15).  And He has give,  to all who will receive it, His very own righteousness and perfection! (2 Cor.5:21).  Therefore because of His finished work on the cross , He now welcomes all who have received His very own righteousness into His Presence!  And we are completely accepted by Him!  Oh, what a Savior we have in Jesus! 

The Eternity of the Word of God

The Eternity of the Word of God

“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.”

Isaiah 40:8 NKJV

One thing that scripture affirms again and again is that the Word of God is eternal! Before there was anything, there was The Word of God (John 1:1). Before the universe and the world was ever created there was the Word of God. Before there was ever a written document, the Bible, there was the Word. The scripture informs us that this Word is a Person! And that this Person is God! (John 1:1). God Himself is eternal.
“From everlasting to everlasting, You are God.” (Psalm 90:2 NKV). Therefore, the Word, who is God, is eternal!

This Word, which spoke everything into existence (Gen. 1:3), is revealed in the written Word. This written Word was spoken by the same Spirit who created all things (John 1:3). This Word stepped out of eternity into time and became clothed in human flesh (John 1:14). And for the first time, the invisible God became visible! (John 14:9, Col. 1:15). Each expression of the Word, The Spirit (John 4:4), the Written document (2 Tim. 3:16), and the Person [Jesus] (Heb. 1:3), all reveal and compliment the other. Thus the Word of God is both living and eternal and becomes the standard by and through which all things are understood and measured!

The Word of God has been attacked and ridiculed by so-called intellectuals. Dictators and tyrannical governments have sought to destroy it. But all of those who have sought to destroy it in the past are dead. And those who seek to destroy it now will experience the same fate! But the Word of God still lives. And it continues to live because it is eternal! This Living and Eternal Word produces New Life through the New Birth and guarantees eternal life to all who will receive it (John 3:16)!

Rev. James Black

The Word Became Flesh

The Word Became Flesh

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
…And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…”.

John 1:1,14 KJV

Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, John makes a declaration that is beyond human comprehension. The Word was with God!  The Word was God! And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us!   It stretches the human mind beyond its capacity to fully comprehend it. It bankrupts the human language to try and describe it!  The only explanation for it is God!  It can only be understood in God!   

The Word is eternal!  Before anything came into existence, there was the Word! (John 1:1).   Before there was ever ink and paper, which we call the Bible, there was the Word!  The Word is a Person!  He has always existed and always will  exist.  The Word is God!  The Word created all things!  (Gen. 1 & 2Psalm 33:6, John 1:3).   The  Word is  the Lord Jesus Christ;  the Second Person of the Godhead!  The Word became clothed in sinless human flesh! The Word became one of us!  He stepped into our world and lived in the midst of fallen, sinful humanity!  Yet he never sinned!  There is no greater passage in scripture that captures both the Deity of Jesus and the wonder and mystery of  His incarnation in humanity! 

He who dwells  in eternity became restricted, to time and space while on earth. He who is self existent , experienced every need and emotion of humanity!  And though He was clothed in humanity, His Deity was not diminished!  He was (as the theologians say) “Very God of Very God!”   

Who can explain this wonder and this mystery?  Who can fully  grasp the majesty of the incarnation of God in human flesh?  The only thing anyone can do in light of this  revelation and truth is to bow before Him in worship and adoration!  What an awesome God we serve! 

Rev. James W. Black

You Shall Call His Name Jesus

You Shall Call His Name Jesus

“And behold, thou shalt conceive in  thy womb and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.”

Luke 1:31 KJV

The angel Gabriel, who was sent by God,  announced to the Virgin Mary that she was going to have a son.  That son would be supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit.  And she was to call his name “Jesus”.  In Hebrew the name is Yeshua.   In Greek it is Iesous.  In English it is Jeshua.   We call it Joshua.  The name literally means  “Jehovah is Salvation.”  It is important to note that that name was common among the Jewish people. 

Today there is no other name that is more loved or hated than the Name of Jesus!  To those who have opened their hearts and experienced the saving and transforming power of Jesus in their life, that Name is precious!  It is cherished, honored, and loved.  It is only in that Name that we can receive salvation from our sin (Acts 4:12) and the wrath of God that our sin deserves (John 3:36).

But that Name is also hated by others.  They hate that Name because the very mention of that Name exposes their sin and the darkness in their hearts (John 3: 19-20).  That Name is increasingly attacked today in our culture. And the cost of honoring that Name will increase as we continue moving closer to the Lord’s return.   There are many saints of God around the world who have sacrificed their lives because of that Name!  But looking from the standpoint of eternity, all of them would say to us that it is worth it! 

There is power in the Name of Jesus to redeem from sin, to heal physically and emotionally, and to deliver from the powers of darkness!  So let us continue to lift up that Name both in word and in deed.  There is no name anywhere like the Name of Jesus! 

Rev. James W. Black

 The Importance of What We Wear

 The Importance of What We Wear

“I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation; he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness…”

Isaiah 61:10 KJV

Throughout the year clothing manufacturers send out catalogues and other forms of advertising informing us of the latest fashions.  People eagerly watch the Hollywood elite at their award ceremonies to see what styles their favorite movie stars are wearing.  But did you know that the Holy One is also concerned about fashion? 

His greatest desire is that we might be “clothed” with the garments of salvation and to wear “the robe of righteousness.”  Of all the things we might wear, those are the most important. 

We are also instructed in the Word of God (Colossians 3: 1-17) that as followers of Christ we are to “put off” some things and to “put on” some things.  In Col. 3:8-9 we are instructed to “put off” anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy talk and lying.  In Col. 3: 12-14 we are instructed to “put on” tender mercy, kindness, humbleness, meekness, patience, forgiveness and love.  Being followers of Christ, therefore,  requires us to change what we wear.  And the amazing thing  is that Christ has already provided us with everything that we need (2 Peter 1:3). 

The good news is that unlike the world’s fashion, the believer’s fashion has already been paid for in Christ (Col. 3:10-11).  The fashion that Christ provides for us is always free.  It always looks good on us.  It is always a perfect fit.  It never wears out.  And it never goes out of style!  And when unbelievers actually get a good look at it, it makes them envious! 

So, as followers of Christ, let us be sure that we are wearing the right wardrobe because someone is always looking at what we wear!  And let us be so submitted to Christ,  that our garments are always a reflection of Him! 

By Rev. James Black

 The Promise of Fruitfulness

 The Promise of Fruitfulness


 “…Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing.”

Psalm 92:13-15

In this passage of scripture, the Lord promises that if we are planted (established, rooted, grounded, actively involved) in a growing relationship with Him, and in His house (working to advance His purposes and His Kingdom), then we shall flourish and enjoy the Presence of God. The word “courts” here is a picture of being in His Presence.

There are many today who have given up and abandoned the house of the Lord altogether. Some have done so simply out of neglect; getting caught up in the busyness of life. Some have become disillusioned because of those in the Body of Christ who have failed at times and not lived up to their expectations; while ignoring their own weaknesses and failures. Their focus has been on others instead of Christ. Many see no purpose or value in church at all because they have never truly sought to cultivate an intimate relationship with the Lord. They have substituted “being in church” for a true relationship with the Lord. They have not yet discovered that church has little meaning or value unless one has experienced the reality of Christ in their persona life. Church is no substitute for the reality of a personal relationship with the Jesus. Church encourages it, enhances it and enriches it, but is never a substitute for it. Many put more value in cultivating relationships with others than they do with the Living God who longs to reveal Himself unto them.

But the Holy One has redeemed us for the purpose of bringing forth fruit (the fruit of the Spirit [Gal. 5: 22-23] and the reproduction of disciples (John 15:5}. And like it or not we cannot do that effectively apart from being connected to and engaged with the Body of Christ. We cannot reach our fullest potential in the Kingdom of God apart from our fellowship with Him and our fellowship with one another. The Body of Christ nurtures us and challenges us in our growth and walk with the Lord. If we continue to cultivate our fellowship with Him we will “flourish in the Presence of God” even in our old age. We can delight in and enjoy the Presence of God more and more in this life until He calls us home to be with Him! And then we will see the full revelation of His glory which for now, we can only imagine! (1 Cor. 2: 9-10 & Rev. 4 – 5).

Rev. James W. Black

Everything Needed to Live a Godly Life is Already Provided

Everything Needed to Live a Godly Life is Already Provided


 “…His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.”

2 Peter 1:3 KJV

Everything that we need to live a Godly life has already been provided for us through the Person of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit Who now dwells within us (Col. 1:27).  All of that became ours, the very moment that we surrendered our heart to Him!  The reason that we often struggle is that we believe the lies of the adversary that somehow we are are inferior, inadequate, and insignificant and  that we need more than what we already have in order to walk with God and please Him!   

While it is true that as followers of Christ we must grow in our faith walk, it is equally true that all that we need to grow has already been provided for us.  We must simply learn to walk in what  we already possess.  We do not need more power or more strength or more wisdom.  We simply need to draw upon what we already have in Christ. 

There is no shortage of power, strength, wisdom, ability, love, grace, joy or peace in Jesus.  There is no lack of anything  in Him!   Therefore if Christ is in us (Rom. 8: 9-11), then we already have all that is needed to live for Him and to be whatever He wants us to be in this life.   Some will say, “Well, I don’t feel strong or wise or full of joy and peace!”  That is certainly true when we are focusing upon ourselves or our circumstances.  But we do not walk by our feelings.  When  we  rivet our attention on Him, focus upon Him, walk in Him and draw upon Him, He will provide for us everything that is needed when it is needed.  Our source for all that we need is in Him, not in ourselves.  Our walk with Christ is not determined by how we feel.  It is determined by the “knowledge of Him that has called us.”   

Thus the key to discovering all that we have in Christ is simply to be intentional in seeking to know Him more and more.  As as we learn to  know Him more, we discover that He is the God Who is more than enough for all things! 

Rev. James W. Black