How God’s Love Is Perfected In Us

How God’s Love Is Perfected In Us

“But whosoever keeps his word, the love of God is truly perfected in him.  This is the way we know that we are in union with him.”  (1 John 2:5 NASB). 

When we received the Lord Jesus as our Savior, the Spirit of God came to  dwell within us.  (Rom. 8:9).  That was the moment of our New Birth. (John 3:3).  For the first time in our life  we experienced  the indwelling love of God. (Rom.5:5).  That was the beginning of a new life and an entirely new way of living.  Before we lived in the darkness.  Now we live in His Light. (Col.1:13).

But the New Birth is just the beginning of our journey.  The Lord desires for His love, which we have received, to be perfected within us!   What does that mean?  The word “perfected” here is translated  from the Greek word “telioo” which literally means:  “to complete, accomplish, consummate, finish, or fulfill.”  (Strongs #5048). 

We know that God’s love in and of itself is already perfect and complete! Nothing can be added to it and nothing can  diminish it.  But  while God’s love is perfect, we are not. Now that  we are  in union with Him, we  are on a journey of  being perfected. (Phil. 1:6). What  the Lord is wanting to do is to complete,  finish  and  fulfill the work that  His love began in us on the day we were truly  born again.  That completion will take place when we finally see him face to face in glory!  (1 Cor. 13:12).

God’s love, which is already in us, is revealed and released more and more as we learn to walk in obedience to His Word!    Each time we obey we experience His pleasure and we see the power of His Word released in our lives and circumstances.   That in turn reveals more of His love to  us.  Our understanding of His love deepens.  And our love for Him grows. 

In essence, God’s love is perfected in us as we learn to walk in obedience.  That makes it simple.  Just do what He says and His love will be perfected in us.  (John 14:15).

Rev. James W. Black