Month: July 2021

Our Refuge

Our Refuge

In Proverbs 18:10 the Word of God says: “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.” (NKV). The great power of our God is revealed even in His name! The world at large does not mind talking about God, but it despises the name of Jesus. One of the reasons is because of the mighty power of that name. There is no other name like the name of Jesus. At the name of Jesus, demons tremble! At the name of Jesus love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness are experienced by those who trust in Him. Only the redeemed have the privilege of calling upon that name. And when we do, the power of that name is released on our behalf (Luke 10:17).

Jesus is our Refuge: Then and Now

During World War II, Corrie Ten Boom and her family hid Jews from the German Gestapo in Holland. They were eventually betrayed. When the Gestapo burst into their home, they crashed through the door of Corrie’s bedroom, pulled her out of bed, and began slapping her across the face demanding to know where the Jews were hidden. As the officer continued to slap her, Corrie cried out in desperation: “Lord Jesus, help me!” Suddenly it seemed as if an invisible hand grabbed the officer’s hand and stopped it in mid-air. With an angry snarl the officer said: “If you speak that name again, I will kill you!”

Mercifully, the officer stopped beating Corrie and arrested her along with the rest of her family. They suffered horribly in the German concentration camps. Corrie was the lone survivor. But Corrie learned that day the power that is in the name of Jesus.

What a joy and blessing it is to be able to call upon the name of the Lord! His name is a refuge and strength for us. Let us with reverence, adoration, and love call upon that name. That name is Precious! And it is the inheritance of the redeemed!

Rev. James Black

Asking In His Name

Asking In His Name

In John 14: 13-14, Jesus makes a powerful statement: “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.”

What a statement! What a promise! We literally stagger at the magnitude of it! Look at those words: “whatsoever”, “anything” and “I will do it!” The prospects are limitless! Can we believe it? Is it really true? The answer is an emphatic “Yes!”

But how does this actually happen? The key is understanding what has transpired before. We must “believe” (that is have absolute trust and confidence) that Jesus is who He says He is (John 14:11). That is more than mere mental assent. It is KNOWING in the very core of our being (our spirit) the reality of Christ and being completely submitted to His will and purpose in our life.

It is understanding that we now have the great privilege of praying as Jesus prayed.
In fact, it is now the Holy Spirit Who actually prays through us (Romans 8:26-27).
Therefore, the praying that has access to such an astounding promise is praying like Jesus prayed.

Jesus never prayed for anything that was not in the Father’s will. Jesus never prayed for anything that would not bring honor and glory to the Father. The only time that Jesus ever prayed for Himself was when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane, and even then Jesus was completely surrendered to the will of the Father. His prayers were always concerned with the Father’s plans and purposes. Not His own!

If we know the Father’s will and we only desire that He be glorified, we can then pray His will and have absolute confidence that the prayer will be answered. Where we all struggle is in coming to the place where we truly discern the Father’s will and all that we truly want is what He wants. We want His will to be done; not ours! And when we get to that place “whatsoever” we ask for will most certainly be answered!

Rev. James Black

The Price of Freedom

The Price of Freedom

“If the Son, therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36 KJV).

As Americans we have the privilege of enjoying more freedom than any nation in history. We have the freedom to get an education. We have the freedom to live where we want, to travel where we want, to work at whatever occupation we want and achieve whatever we want. Most importantly, we have the freedom to Worship God as our conscious dictates. America provides us with more opportunities than any nation anywhere. These freedoms are guaranteed by our Constitution. But as the Educator Thomas Sowell once said: “We are guaranteed equal opportunities. We are not guaranteed equal outcomes.”

Our freedoms were purchased at great cost! It cost the lives of men and women in the founding of our nation. Those freedoms have been preserved at great cost through our present day. The lesson each generation must learn is that Freedom is not free!
Someone must pay the price for it.

However, if we only have the freedom as an American citizen, we are still not free!

For the ultimate freedom, the freedom from sin and death, can only be found in Christ!

This freedom was purchased at great cost! It cost the life of the Son of God, Jesus Christ! But through His death and His Mighty resurrection, the power of sin was broken! And all who receive Him as their Redeemer are set free from the power and the penalty of sin (Romans 6: 6-7)! And although the gift is free (Eph. 2:8-9) the price of that gift was costly! And like our freedom as American citizens, let us also cherish the freedom we have in Christ. May we never take it for granted!

Rev. James Black

What Forgiveness Does

What Forgiveness Does

Forgiveness is the one thing that all of the redeemed have experienced. The most powerful word that we can hear from the Holy One is the word: FORGIVEN! All of us needed it! And all who have accepted Christ as their Savior have received it! That is the good news of the gospel.

But in Matthew 6: 14-15 Jesus reveals what forgiveness does. Forgiveness brings us into right standing with God (Colossians 1: 13-14). But forgiveness also brings us into right standing with others. All human relationships (including Christian relationships) requires forgiveness. All of us have been wounded at one time or another. And if we are honest, there have been times that we have wounded others.

In order to grow and mature as followers of Christ, we must actively engage in forgiveness. We cannot afford to harbor offenses in our lives. If not dealt with quickly, they will take root and produce resentment, anger and bitterness in our soul. And the joy of Christ in our life will be diminished.

What is even more important to realize is that if we do not freely and willingly forgive others, it can hinder God’s forgiveness toward us. It is one thing to not be right with others. It i another thing to not be right with God. We have a tendency to compartmentalize forgiveness. God does not. The Lord says that if we have not forgiven others, if we have not made things right with others, we are not right with Him. And that is serious stuff!

Rev. James Black