What Forgiveness Does

What Forgiveness Does

Forgiveness is the one thing that all of the redeemed have experienced. The most powerful word that we can hear from the Holy One is the word: FORGIVEN! All of us needed it! And all who have accepted Christ as their Savior have received it! That is the good news of the gospel.

But in Matthew 6: 14-15 Jesus reveals what forgiveness does. Forgiveness brings us into right standing with God (Colossians 1: 13-14). But forgiveness also brings us into right standing with others. All human relationships (including Christian relationships) requires forgiveness. All of us have been wounded at one time or another. And if we are honest, there have been times that we have wounded others.

In order to grow and mature as followers of Christ, we must actively engage in forgiveness. We cannot afford to harbor offenses in our lives. If not dealt with quickly, they will take root and produce resentment, anger and bitterness in our soul. And the joy of Christ in our life will be diminished.

What is even more important to realize is that if we do not freely and willingly forgive others, it can hinder God’s forgiveness toward us. It is one thing to not be right with others. It i another thing to not be right with God. We have a tendency to compartmentalize forgiveness. God does not. The Lord says that if we have not forgiven others, if we have not made things right with others, we are not right with Him. And that is serious stuff!

Rev. James Black