“And behold a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts and cried unto him saying, ‘Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil! But he answered her not a word…”
Have you ever cried out to the Lord in desperation about a situation and in spite of the urgency of the matter, He was silent? When we are young in the Lord, He often answers quickly. The purpose is to assure us of His presence and His abiding love as we learn to walk in our new life in Christ. But as we mature in Christ, we will notice from time to time that although the need is urgent and the situation is desperate, at least from our perspective, the Lord is silent when we call out to Him!
When that first happens to us, we are often confused. Then, on top of that, we are then assaulted by the lies of the evil one! He immediately begins to condemn us and accuse us and then proceed to tell us lies about God. He tells us things like: “God does not love you!” Or “God has abandoned you.” Or that, “You have done so poorly and failed so badly that God has given up on you!” All of these are lies of course, but they can cause us great distress if we listen to them.
The thing we must remember is that when the Lord is silent, He still hears us! In this passage Jesus heard the cries of this desperate mother, but He did not answer her immediately. He waited. He said nothing. He did nothing. It appeared as if He was ignoring her altogether. She naturally interpreted His silence as rejection! But she knew that Jesus was the only One who could help her daughter! So, she continued to ask. And she continued to believe that He would answer! (Luke 18:7-8).
We know that because when Jesus did answer (Matthew 15:28), He commended her for her “great faith”. Sometimes God is silent because He wants us to learn to be confident that He always hears us; even where there seems to be a delay. He also uses such times to deepen and strengthen our faith.
So, whenever you experience the silence of God, remember that He does hear you! Just keep trusting Him! Just continue to keep your heart and mind focused upon Him! Just continue believing Him! Just continue asking Him. (Luke 11:9). The Lord is growing you. He is maturing you in your walk with Him. He wants you to learn to trust Him; not just for what He does, but simply because of Who He is!
Rev. James W. Black