“He hath showed you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you , but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8 NKJV).
As a child of God have you ever wondered what God’s will is for your life? In other words, the Lord has redeemed you. He has given you new life in Christ. Now, what does He want you to do? Every child of God has asked that question. It is not new. But we often struggle in trying to find the answer. We tend to complicate the matter. In knowing God’s will, we must understand two things.
First there is the general will of God. The general will of God is what is required of all God’s children throughout all ages. It never changes. (1). We are to do justly.
That is we are to simply do what is right according to what God has clearly revealed in scripture. They’re is an abundance of scripture that clearly tells us how we should live. The 10 Commandments is a good place to start. [Ex. 20]. (2). We are to love mercy. As we have been the recipients of God’s abundant mercy, we should also be generous in extending mercy to others. (3). We are to walk in humility before God and men. If we are walking in humility before God, we will also walk in humility before others. We will not be proud, arrogant or boastful. As we seek to do these things, relying upon the Power of the Holy Spirit, Who resides within us, we will be doing God’s will and will be a light to those who are in darkness all around us.
Then there is the specific will of God. The specific will of God flows out of our walking in the general will of God. What that means is that if we are not doing what is already clearly revealed in scripture, then why should we expect the Lord speak to us about anything else? It is through doing what we already know to do that the Lord will speak to us about other things. The Lord will make His will abundantly clear to us. He will also confirm it by His Word, by His Spirit and through other people and circumstances.
So, rest in the Lord. Do what you already know to do as a Child of God. Enjoy the Lord each day. And He will speak to you specifically if there is ever anything else He wants you to do. You will always be the first to know! So, until then, just relax!
James W. Black