“O give thanks unto the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people.” (Psalm 105:1 KJV).
As we witness the continuing decline of our great nation and the corruption of our once reliable and dependable institutions it is easy to become angry, discouraged and skeptical. It is easy to get caught up in the negative and to forget to be thankful for that that we still have. In spite of all the evil that is happening we still have much for which to be thankful.
We can be thankful that in spite of the fact that our freedoms are under assault, we still have more freedom than 90% of the rest of the world. We can be thankful that we live in America instead if Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe or North Korea. We can be thankful that in spite of inflation, most of us can still feed our families. We can be thankful that there is an abundance of jobs for those who want to work.
We can be thankful that we can still speak our mind without fear of government repression. Business and various elements of society may seek to cancel us or attack us, but we can still speak the truth in love whether it is accepted or not. We can be thankful that we still have the freedom to assemble to worship God without fear of persecution. We can be thankful that it is not illegal to own a Bible or to read it.
We can be thankful that it is not illegal to share our faith.
We can be thankful that the majority of us own an automobile. We can drive to where we need to go. We can be thankful that the majority of us have a roof over our head.
We can be thankful for the faithfulness of God. And most importantly we can be thankful for our great salvation. One of the hallmarks of God’s people is thankfulness. May we above all people live before an unbelieving world with a grateful heart! We have much for which to be thankful!
James W. Black