“And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost , that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.” (Luke 2:26 KJV).
Simeon was a man who loved the Lord; a man whose heart was fixed upon the Lord (Luke 2:25). He was an elderly man by this time in his life. For a long time he had been hoping to see the Messiah, the Redeemer that God had promised Israel (Isaiah 9:67, Isaiah 59:20). But now that he was in the twilight years of his life that hope was beginning to fade. Then, unexpectedly one day, the Holy Spirit spoke to him and revealed unto him that he would not die until he had actually seen the Messiah with his own eyes! It was an powerful and encouraging word. His hope was renewed. So he continued to wait and to look with expectancy.
Then one day, while he was still waiting, the Holy Spirit spoke to him again and directed him to go into the Temple (Luke 2:27). He was obedient and went. When he entered the courtyard of the Temple there were probably hundreds of people there. But the Holy Spirit continued to guide him. He was drawn to the area where the newborn babies were being dedicated. It is possible that there were several newborns being dedicated that day. Jerusalem was a large city. But his heart was drawn to one particular couple. He asked them if he could hold their child. And as he took the child up in his arms, the Holy Spirit spoke unto him again and no doubt said unto him: “This is the One! This is God’s Promise to Israel and to the world!” Simeon’s heart overflowed with joy (Luke 2: 28-30). The Holy Spirit had revealed Jesus, the Messiah unto him! God had kept His promise!
Jesus is still actively involved in this world; particularly in the lives of His people. But we can see Him only if we are looking for Him! The majority of people are not looking for Him. Therefore they never see Him. But if our heart is fixed upon the Lord and we desire to obey Him, and we intentionally look for Him in our daily life, the Holy Spirit will reveal Jesus unto us (Jer. 29:13). We may not see His visible form. But we will be able to see the imprint of His hand upon our day. Sometimes we will see it immediately. Other times, we will only see it at the end of our day after we reflect back upon it. But make no mistake about it. The Holy Spirit will reveal Jesus to us! It will be undeniable and amazing. So like Simeon, let us wait, let us look and let us obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. We will be filled with joy over what we see.
Rev. James W. Black