“And behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shalt call his name Jesus.” (Luke 1:31 KJV).
When the angel Gabriel made the announcement to Mary that she was God’s chosen vessel to bring the Messiah into the world, she was told that He was to be named Jesus! The name means: Jehovah is Salvation. It was the declaration that God Himself would bring salvation and redemption to humanity. It was the affirmation of the inability of man to save himself. What man could never do through religious zeal or devotion, Jesus did through the cross! As a result of His work on the cross and His mighty resurrection from the dead, the Name of Jesus has been exalted above every name (Phil. 2:9-11). There is no name anywhere that can compare with that Name!
Only in that Name is there salvation (Acts 4:12).
In this world, the Name of Jesus is both despised and loved! The enemies of Jesus despise that Name. They hate it. They profane and revile it in every way possible. In reality they fear that Name because that Name exposes the darkness of their own heart. And that Name reminds them of their ultimate destiny. But to those who have received His wonderful gift of Salvation, the Name of Jesus is loved, revered, honored and cherished. To the redeemed, the Name of Jesus is precious. To the redeemed the Name of Jesus means mercy, grace, unconditional love, forgiveness, a new life and a new beginning. To the redeemed the Name of Jesus guarantees and assures eternal life. There is no other Name anywhere that can offer what Jesus offers.
Only in the Name of Jesus is there salvation from sin, deliverance from the powers of darkness, healing, peace, hope, joy and love. Only at the Name of Jesus do the demons tremble! And only at the Name of Jesus does all of heaven rejoice to the glory of God the Father and the Holy Spirit! Throughout all eternity we will be celebrating and worshipping the One Who’s Name is Jesus! We will be in His very Presence! We will see Him face to face (1 Cor. 13:12). And we will have the joy along with all the redeemed of casting our crowns before His feet (Rev. 4:10-11).
This season is all about that Name! So, during this wonderful season, let us celebrate the Name of Jesus! There is no other name like that Name!
Rev. James W. Black