“Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy.” (Psalm 33:18 KJV).
What a comforting thought to realize that the Holy One is constantly watching over those who belong to Him. The Lord sees and knows everything about everyone, including the unbeliever. But He especially watches over those who have surrendered their lives unto Him and have become a part of His eternal family.
The Lord knows where you are right now. He sees what you are going through. He understands exactly what you need. Nothing has escaped Him. And not only does He see you, He also cares deeply for you. You re His own! You belong to Him! Your are valuable and precious to Him! And He will not allow the circumstances of life or the onslaught of the evil one to overcome you.
He will use everything, even the hard and difficult things, to strengthen you and deepen your faith in Him. Therefore, continue to walk with Him and trust Him, even when you do not see Him. For it is not as important that we see Him as it is that He sees us! And we have the absolute assurance of His Word that He does!
James W. Black