The Lord Defends His People

The Lord Defends His People

In Isaiah 54:17, the Lord makes a promise to Israel and to all who serve Him and honor Him. “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper…”. That is a powerful promise. The evil one will always seek to come against the people of God. He will fashion all kinds of weapons of lies and deceit to frustrate, discourage, intimidate and destroy the advancement of God’s Kingdom. But regardless of what the evil one attempts to do, the Lord’s people and His Kingdom will continue to advance until everything is fully and completely consummated in Him. (Colossians 1: 16-18).

Just like when Joshua led Israel into the Promised Land, there will be battles to fight. Those battles will require faithfulness and perseverance. But be assured of this one thing, a victorious outcome is certain. (Revelation 1:18).

So let us, the Redeemed of God, rise up, stand up, speak up and live up to our calling in this darkened world; empowered and equipped by the Power of the Holy Spirit. The evil one will come against us, but he will not be successful! Because if God is for us (and He is) then who can stand against us! (Romans 8:31).

Rev. James Black