“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27 (KJV).
When Jesus spoke these words to His disciples, He was on His way to the cross. Within just a few hours He would be brutalized and tortured. The unspeakable pain and anguish He would experience would be magnified billions of times over by the reality of my sin and your sin being placed upon Him by God the Father! He would be judged as if He Himself had actually committed the sin (2 Cor. 5:21). But He was totally and completely innocent! What is amazing is that in the face of all of that Jesus had perfect peace. And He promised His followers that He would give them that same peace! What Jesus promised to those disciples, He still promises unto us. His gift of peace is a remarkable and marvelous gift.
We live in a world that is devoid of peace. Not only is there armed conflict taking place around the world, but the greatest conflict is within the human heart. Families are broken and falling apart. In the desire for peace people seek to numb the pain and emptiness of their lives with drugs, alcohol and the relentless pursuit of material things. But the relief is only momentary. It does not last.
The peace that Jesus offers is three fold. First and foremost it is peace with God. Jesus paid for our sin that we might be free from the impending judgment of a Holy God upon our sin (John 3:36). The wrath of God was fully satisfied on the cross (Isaiah 53:11) and that finished work forever sealed and guaranteed by His Mighty Resurrection (Rev. 1:18).
Secondly, it is peace the peace of God within ourselves. The empty void within our lives is filled by His Person and His Presence within us. It is in Him that we find our purpose, the meaning of life and indescribable joy! (Col. 3:15).
And finally it is peace with one another (Eph. 4:1-3). When we experience Peace with God we also discover the Peace of God. It is only then we can experience peace with one another. The gift of God’s peace sets us free from having to prove to others that we have meaning, value and worth. We are fully and completely valued, accepted and loved by the most important Being in the entire universe, the Lord Jesus Himself! It cannot possibly get any better than that! Why would anyone settle for anything less?
James W. Black