Tag: Prayer

What Is Our Motive?

What Is Our Motive?

“Every way of man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord pondereth the hearts.”
(Proverbs 21:2 KJV).  

Have you ever heard someone say:  “The Lord knows my heart!” I have heard that statement numerous times over the years.  It  is usually made by those who seek to justify their non Christian actions or lifestyle in comparison to others.  But in reality that statement is true!  The Lord does know our hearts.   The Lord  knows not only our actions, but  He also knows our inward motivation.  He knows what our real intentions are.  He knows what really drives us in our actions and decisions.  

When the Holy One looks upon us, He knows every motive of our heart.  Although our outward actions may appear to be good, the Lord knows what is really motivating us.
(1 Samuel 16:7).    Are we seeking to promote ourselves?  Are we seeking to justify ourselves?  Are we seeking the praise and the approval of others?  Or are we seeking to genuinely honor and please the Lord?  The Lord knows the difference.

While all of us desire the  approval of others (spouse, co-workers, neighbors and friends) we must realize that there are times when, in spite of our best efforts we are misunderstood and our actions are mischaracterized.  We may experience rejection because of that.  That rejection can be devastating.  It can be difficult to bear.  

But if the motive of our heart is pure, if there was no selfish motive or ambition, then the Holy One will become our defender (Math. 18:6-7).  He will help us to overcome the feelings of rejection and move forward with peace and joy.  If our motive is not pure, then we are left to handle it on our own until we are ready to surrender all of it to the Lord and allow Him to cleanse us and renew  us by His Blood (1 John 1:9-10).  

Ultimately is is the Lord’s approval that we desire above all else.  If we have His approval, then we will not covet the approval of others,  We we will be free  to be our selves.   And that is a very liberating place to be!  

James W. Black

A New Beginning

A New Beginning

“I am  Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saithe the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” (Rev. 1: 8 KJV). 

In this statement, Jesus affirms two important things. (1). He is the Almighty God.
(2). All things have their beginning and ending in Him.

With the beginning of a New Year we are reminded once again of just how swiftly time passes.  When we were children time seemed to move very slowly.  But as we entered adulthood we soon began to notice how each successive year seemed to increase in speed. As we got older the passing of those years seemed  to accelerate even more.  We wonder in amazement as to where the time went!  And we begin to realize just how short life really is (Psalm 39:5). Of course time always moves at the same rate of speed. It never changes. After all, God is the One who created time!  His laws of time and space never change. Man can neither  create nor control time. He can only measure it. 

Although we are aware of the swiftness of time, we can take comfort in the fact that Jesus is “timeless”. He exists outside of time. He exists in eternity. Because we are in Him ad He is in us, we literally have eternity dwelling in our hearts (John 17:23).  And each new year is an opportunity to enjoy and savor that eternity as we pass thought this vacuum of time. 

One day we will step out of time and step into eternity.  At that moment we will see the Eternal One who always has been and always will be (1 John 3:2). We will be in the fullness of His manifest presence! We will behold the wonder of His Person in all of His  majesty and glory!  Oh, what a day that will be!  Until then,  let us rejoice in this new year and seek to continually delight in the Eternal One who lives in the heart of the redeemed (Ecc. 3:11 NKJ). His Spirit within us enables us to “taste” the joy of the eternal that awaits us!  (Psalm 34:8).   

Only Jesus can make such a promise! Because He is the only One who has demonstrated that He has the power to keep such a promise!  (John 11:25, Rev. 1:18). 

James W. Black

How Do You Handle Your Weaknesses?

How Do You Handle Your Weaknesses?

“Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know now what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself makes the intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” (Rom. 8:26 KJV). 

In Romans 8:26 the Apostle Paul explains how the Holy Spirit is our helper.  He says “…the Spirit helpeth our infirmities…”. The word infirmities in the KJV means weaknesses.  As human beings, we all have strengths according to how the Lord has wired us.  But we also have weaknesses.  All of us have weaknesses.  These weaknesses are the result of our fallenness.  But the good news of the Gospel is that we have help!

When Jesus ascended to heaven after the resurrection, He sent the Holy Spirit to help us (John 14: 16-18).  The Holy Spirit provides “righteousness” when we feel unrighteous; “peace” when we are tempted to worry or doubt; and “joy” when we face difficulty (Rom. 14:17).  He provides “instruction”  when we do not understand and “comfort” when we feel alone (John 14:26). And He helps us to pray even when we do not know the best way to pray (Rom. 8:26). 

What a joy to realize that in the midst of our weaknesses,  whether they be temptations or trials, we have Someone (The Holy Spirit Himself) to help us!  Call upon Him!  He is already here and ready to help you!” (Jer. 33:3). 

Rev. James W. Black

The Gift of Being Made New

The Gift of Being Made New

“And he that sat upon the throne said: “Behold I make all things new. And he said unto me, “Write for these words are true and faithful.” (Rev. 21:5 KJV).

There is something powerful about the word “new”.  Advertisers know this and use it in promoting their products.  The word “new” catches our attention.  It sparks interest.  It literally calls us to look more closely.  It is indeed a powerful word. 

But that word is even more powerful when it is used by God!  Whenever man makes something new, it does not take long for it to become old.  We enjoy the look, smell and performance of a new car.  We look forward to the new phone, the new computer,  the new dress, or the new boat.   But it does not take long for the new to wear off.  And then that which was new soon becomes old.  But what God makes new is eternal!  It never goes out of date.  It never gets old.  It remains just as fresh and new as the moment He created it. 

God specializes in making things new!  He promises “new life” to those who surrender to Him and walk with Him.  Jesus calls it the “new birth” (John 3:16).  With His mighty resurrection, He made a “new covenant” (Heb. 8: 7-11).  This covenant is an eternal covenant that produces a new kind of righteousness.  It is the very righteousness of Christ Himself (Rom. 3:22).  It is a righteousness that is imparted (or given) rather than a righteousness that seeks to be  earned  by our imperfect, flawed effort (Rom. 6:23).  Jesus promises us a “new body” when we die (1 Cor. 15: 49-58, 1 John 3:2).   And He promises a “new heaven and a new earth” for those who are redeemed.    This current body and this current earth is temporal.  It will not last.  But the new body that the Lord gives is eternal!   The new earth that He will make is far greater than anything that we know today.  And it will culminate in a new life in eternity! 

It will not be marred by sin , sickness and death.  The light of Christ will illuminate it (Rev. 22:5)  and the peace of God will fill it with unspeakable joy (Rev. 5: 11-14).   And the best thing about all of it is that it is a gift!  And like any gift, all we have to do  is to simply receive it (Eph. 2:8-9).

So, as we begin this new year, let us be mindful of the fact that  all of the evil, anger, hatred and noise that we see and hear during this present time, will one day soon give way to the reality of all that God makes new.   Therefore while we wait for it, let us live and rejoice in the One who makes all of this possible! 

Rev. James W. Black

The Name That Is Above All Names

The Name That Is Above All Names

“And behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shalt call his name Jesus.”  (Luke 1:31 KJV). 

When the angel Gabriel made the announcement to Mary that she was God’s chosen vessel to bring the Messiah into the world, she was told that He was to be named Jesus!  The name means: Jehovah is Salvation. It was the declaration that God Himself would bring salvation and redemption to humanity.  It was the affirmation of the inability of man to save himself.  What man could never do through religious zeal or devotion, Jesus did through the cross!  As a result of His work on the cross and His mighty resurrection from the dead, the Name of Jesus has been exalted above every name (Phil. 2:9-11).  There is no name anywhere that can compare with that Name! 
Only in that Name is there salvation (Acts 4:12).

In this world, the Name of Jesus is both despised and loved!  The enemies of Jesus despise that Name. They hate it. They profane and revile it in every way possible. In reality they fear that Name because that Name exposes the darkness of their own heart.  And that Name reminds them of their ultimate destiny.  But to those who have received His wonderful gift of Salvation, the Name of Jesus is loved, revered, honored  and cherished.  To the redeemed, the Name of Jesus is precious.  To the redeemed the  Name of Jesus means mercy, grace, unconditional love, forgiveness, a new life and  a new beginning.  To the redeemed the  Name of Jesus guarantees and assures  eternal life. There is no other Name anywhere that can offer what  Jesus offers. 

Only in the Name of Jesus is there salvation from sin, deliverance from the powers of darkness, healing, peace, hope, joy and love.  Only at the Name of Jesus do the demons tremble!   And only at the Name of Jesus does  all of heaven rejoice to the glory of God the Father and the Holy Spirit!  Throughout all eternity we will be celebrating and worshipping the One Who’s  Name is  Jesus!  We will be in His very Presence! We will see Him face to face (1 Cor. 13:12). And we will have the joy along with all the redeemed  of casting our crowns before His feet (Rev. 4:10-11). 

This season  is all about that Name! So, during this wonderful season, let us celebrate the Name of Jesus! There is no other name like that Name!   

Rev. James W. Black

The Revelation of Jesus

The Revelation of Jesus

“And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost , that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.” (Luke 2:26 KJV).

Simeon was a man who loved the Lord; a man whose heart was fixed upon the Lord (Luke 2:25).   He was an elderly man by this time in his life. For a long time he had been hoping to see  the Messiah, the Redeemer  that God had promised Israel (Isaiah 9:67, Isaiah 59:20).   But now that he was in the twilight years of his life that hope was beginning to fade.  Then, unexpectedly one day,  the Holy Spirit spoke to him and revealed unto him that he would not die until he had actually seen the Messiah with his own eyes!   It was an powerful and encouraging word.  His hope was renewed.  So he continued to wait and to look with expectancy. 

Then one  day, while he was still waiting, the Holy Spirit spoke to him again and directed him to go into the Temple (Luke 2:27).  He was obedient and went.  When he entered the courtyard of the Temple there were probably hundreds of people there.  But the Holy Spirit continued to guide him.  He was drawn to the area where the newborn babies were being dedicated.  It is possible that there were several newborns being dedicated that day. Jerusalem was a large city.   But his heart was drawn to one particular couple.  He asked them if he could hold their child.  And as he took the child up in his arms, the Holy Spirit spoke unto him again and no doubt said unto him: “This is the One! This is God’s Promise to Israel and to the world!”   Simeon’s heart overflowed with joy (Luke 2: 28-30).  The Holy Spirit had revealed Jesus, the Messiah unto him!  God had kept His promise! 

Jesus is still actively involved in this world;  particularly in the lives of His people.  But we can see Him only  if we are  looking  for Him!  The majority of  people are not looking for Him.  Therefore  they never see Him.  But if our heart is fixed upon the Lord and we desire to obey Him, and  we intentionally look for Him in our daily life, the Holy Spirit will reveal Jesus unto us (Jer. 29:13).   We may  not see His visible form.  But we will be able to  see the imprint of His hand upon our day.  Sometimes we will see it immediately.  Other times, we will only see it at the end of our day after  we reflect back upon it.  But make no mistake about it.  The Holy Spirit will reveal Jesus to us!    It will be undeniable and amazing.  So like Simeon, let us wait,  let us look and let us obey the leading of the Holy Spirit.  We will be filled with joy over what we see. 

Rev. James W. Black

Sometimes God Surprises Us When He  Answers Our Prayer

Sometimes God Surprises Us When He  Answers Our Prayer

“But the angel said unto him, Fear not Zacharias, for thy prayer is heard and thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son and thou shalt call his name John.” (Luke 1:13 KJV). 

Sometimes when we pray about something in particular the Lord answers quickly.  Those times are always a joy and a delight.  But then there are other times that we pray and the answer does not come quickly.  Sometimes we pray for days,  weeks, months and  even years without seeing the answer. In those times we can become  discouraged.  In those times we are tempted to quit praying. In those times we often think that the Lord has forgotten us.  In those times the enemy of our soul whispers in our ear and tells us that God doesn’t care; that He really doesn’t love us. 

No doubt that was true with Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth.  For years they had prayed for a child.  For years they had longed for a son.  But in spite of their faithfulness and their commitment in following  the Lord, the answer had not come.  Now, the hope for that answer was all but gone. They were well up in years. The possibility of being able to have a child was slim to none. If they had not been able to have a child in their prime their chances of having a child now was marginal at best. 

And yet, as Zacharias ministered before the Lord in the Temple; on a day when he least expected it, the answer came. The answer was dramatic.  It was shocking.  It was in every way a surprise! What was surprising was not just the answer itself but the way in it came. It came in a way he never imagined. God sent an  angel to deliver the message.  The message was specific, direct and personal.  The message was that In spite of what seemed  impossible,  God was indeed going to give them a son!  Because with God nothing is impossible! 

Sometimes these answers to prayer are the most powerful and the most meaningful. God’s answer after such a long time usually comes on a day when we least expect it. It comes in a way that totally surprises us.  It comes in a way that we will never forget.  That answer impacts our life.  It marks us.  We will never be the same as a result.  And it deepens our love, our faith and our trust in the Lord. 

So, keep praying. Keep trusting the Lord. Keep standing upon His Word!  Although the answer may be long in coming, when it does come, it will surprise you!  And you will be totally amazed and in awe of  God! And you will realize once again that there is indeed no one like Him! 

Rev. James W. Black

The Nearness of God

The Nearness of God

“The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.”
(Psalm 145:18 NKJ).

The holiness of God makes Him unapproachable.  But the mercy of God and the grace of God revealed through the blood of Jesus is an open invitation  to enter  into His Presence.  God  longs to reveal Himself unto us.  He longs to fellowship with us.  He longs to be near us.  He longs to be with us!

 The entire  Bible is the story of redemption and the revelation of God’s desire to be with  us.   Through sin everyone is separated  from God.  But through Jesus everyone can be  forgiven.  Everyone  can be restored.  Everyone can be made whole. Everyone  can have  fellowship with God.   Everyone can come into His Presence.  Everyone can  be near  Him!  It is an open invitation.  There are  no exceptions.  There are  no exclusions. 

Because He is Spirit, God  can be with each of us personally no matter where we are. We are limited, but He is unlimited.  We are finite but  He is infinite.  Our finite mind struggles to grasp the reality  that God can be everywhere all at the same time!  But the things that are impossible with men, are possible with God!  (Luke 18:27). 

The key to experiencing the nearness of God is to genuinely want it.   That is what is meant by the phrase “in truth.”   We genuinely and truly desire to know Him.
We genuinely and truly desire to be near Him.  We genuinely and truly repent and turn from our sin.  We genuinely  and truly come unto Him with an open and yielded heart. We genuinely and truly desire Him above everything else (Math. 6:33).  .  And when we do, we will find Him (Jer. 29:13).  In fact, we will discover that He has been there all along,  We just didn’t know it!  (Gen. 28:16).  He is not very far from any of us!  (Acts 17:27). 

James W. Black

Living In Fearful Times

Living In Fearful Times

“But whosoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil.”
(Proverbs 1:33 NKJV).

As we witness the unfolding events around us both here and around the world, we see the continuing rise of evil. It is insidious, pervasive, and is everywhere. When we try to comprehend it, it becomes overwhelming. For it is not just one issue or one area. It is a multitude of issues all cascading upon one another. All of these things together can cause fear to rise up within us.

But if we stop and think about it, the world has always been an unstable place.

The evil of every kind has always been present in every generation because evil is resident in the human heart (Jer. 17:9) and that evil ultimately expresses itself. It always has. Evil first expressed itself in humanity in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3) and has been doing so ever since. And down through the history of humanity, the only restraint against evil has been the Spirit of God.

It was the Spirit of God Who gave us the Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16). And the power of that Word was revealed once and for all in and through the Person of Jesus Christ (John 1:1; 14)! Jesus is God’s final answer to the evil of this world (Heb. 1: 1-3). The cross destroyed the power of evil (1 Cor. 15: 54-57). And the resurrection forever sealed its ultimate destiny (Rev. 1:18)! The day will come when all evil will be put under the feet of Jesus at His return (1 Cor. 15: 19-28) and every evil act will be ultimately judged and all evil will be ultimately destroyed (Rev. 20: 11-15).

Therefore, no matter what may be happening all around us, we have nothing to fear! Thus, It is vitally important for us to listen to the Lord. And it is vitally important for us to listen to His Word. If we focus our hearts and our minds upon Him, then we will not have to be in fear of the evil of this world! We will find our safety and our security in Him! And that is the absolute safest place we could possibly be (John 10: 27-29).

Rev. James Black

Trusting God When Nothing Makes Sense

Trusting God When Nothing Makes Sense

“Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flocks shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” (Habakkuk 3:17-18 KJV).

Habakkuk, a Prophet in Judah near the end of the 7th Century BC, was overwhelmed by the wickedness in his nation. Corruption and sin was rampant everywhere. He was one of many prophets that the Lord has sent to call the nation to repentance, but they had refused to listen. Now the Lord had let him know that judgment would soon come upon the nation of Judah because of her sin and her unwillingness to return to the Lord.

The Lord had revealed to Habakkuk that some hard and difficult times would come upon the nation. The impact would be devastating. Crops would fail because of drought. Herds would be decimated because of the lack of food. Hunger and deprivation would be common place all throughout the land. And on top of that, the Lord would deliver Judah into the hand of her enemies, the Babylonians, and they would be carried off into captivity. To Habakkuk, this made no sense to him. Why?
Because the Babylonians were more wicked than the nation of Judah!

Habakkuk was faced with a choice. Would he trust God, even when he did not understand? That is a situation that each of us will face at one time or another as the people of God. There will be times, when nothing around us makes any sense at all! In spite of our prayers, our loved one is not healed. In spite of our faithfulness, we still experience the loss of a job or a business, or even our health. In spite of standing and confessing the Truth of His Word, the situation does not change. And all the while, the enemy is at the gate of our mind, taunting us and telling us that it is useless to keep trusting God.

Habakkuk helps us to understand what to do in those situations! We can choose to trust God, even when nothing makes sense! We can choose to trust Him no matter what we may be going on at the moment. We can choose to trust Him with whatever may come in the future. Why? Because the Sovereign Lord, is on the Throne! He knows the beginning and the end of all things! And no matter what we may being going through, if we will cling to Him and trust Him, the Lord will eventually bring us out of where we are to the place where He wants us to be! We can trust Him because He is faithful! He will not abandon us no matter where we are or what we are going through! We can choose to be like Habakkuk, “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” Yes, we can still trust God, even when nothing makes sense!

Rev. James Black