Living In Fearful Times

Living In Fearful Times

“But whosoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil.”
(Proverbs 1:33 NKJV).

As we witness the unfolding events around us both here and around the world, we see the continuing rise of evil. It is insidious, pervasive, and is everywhere. When we try to comprehend it, it becomes overwhelming. For it is not just one issue or one area. It is a multitude of issues all cascading upon one another. All of these things together can cause fear to rise up within us.

But if we stop and think about it, the world has always been an unstable place.

The evil of every kind has always been present in every generation because evil is resident in the human heart (Jer. 17:9) and that evil ultimately expresses itself. It always has. Evil first expressed itself in humanity in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3) and has been doing so ever since. And down through the history of humanity, the only restraint against evil has been the Spirit of God.

It was the Spirit of God Who gave us the Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16). And the power of that Word was revealed once and for all in and through the Person of Jesus Christ (John 1:1; 14)! Jesus is God’s final answer to the evil of this world (Heb. 1: 1-3). The cross destroyed the power of evil (1 Cor. 15: 54-57). And the resurrection forever sealed its ultimate destiny (Rev. 1:18)! The day will come when all evil will be put under the feet of Jesus at His return (1 Cor. 15: 19-28) and every evil act will be ultimately judged and all evil will be ultimately destroyed (Rev. 20: 11-15).

Therefore, no matter what may be happening all around us, we have nothing to fear! Thus, It is vitally important for us to listen to the Lord. And it is vitally important for us to listen to His Word. If we focus our hearts and our minds upon Him, then we will not have to be in fear of the evil of this world! We will find our safety and our security in Him! And that is the absolute safest place we could possibly be (John 10: 27-29).

Rev. James Black