“Then He said, “To what shall we liken the kingdom of God? Or with what parable shall we picture it? It is like a mustard seed which, when it is sown on the ground, is smaller than all the seeds on the earth; but when it is sown, it grows up and becomes greater than all herbs, and shoots out large branches so that the birds of the air may nest under its shade.” (Mark 4: 30-32 NKJV).
The mustard seed was one of the smallest seeds in the vegetable kingdom that grew in the Middle East during the time of Jesus. The mustard plant is still grown there today. Though a very small seed, the plant can grow from 10 to 15 feet in height when mature.* And the branches of the plant are large enough that a small bird can build its nest on them. Jesus used the mustard seed to illustrate how God takes small things and uses them to produce great things. He used this parable to illustrate what the Kingdom of God is like.
Sometimes we feel small and inadequate as followers of Christ. Because we may not be as talented or as gifted as others, we sometimes wonder how God could possibly use us! We often forget that God delights in using small things! In Exodus 4:2 & Exodus 14, God used a shepherd’s rod in the hand of Moses to bring devastating plagues upon Egypt that resulted in Israel’s deliverance from slavery after 400 years. Later God used a young teenage boy named David and a shepherd’s sling to destroy the giant, Goliath, and route Israel’s enemies (1 Samual 17: 45-50). In Matthew 14:17-21, Jesus took five small loaves of bread (about the size of a man’s hand – what we would call a biscuit today) and two small fish (from a boy’s lunch) and used them to feed over 5,000 people! And Jesus took 12 ordinary men (1 of whom was a traitor – Judas) and with them, He established His Kingdom in the earth that continues to grow around the world today and will be ultimately consummated at His return! (Luke 6: 12-16 & 1 Corinthians 15: 19-26).
The Lord wants us to know that anyone or anything that is yielded unto Him has virtually unlimited potential in His hands! It is not our ability that makes the difference in usefulness. It is His (Luke3 18:27)! God has always used small things. He still does! So, rejoice if you feel small and inadequate. You are the perfect instrument that He can use to bring great glory to His Name!
James W. Black
*Source: Unger’s Bible Dictionary page 1335).