Category: Pastor’s Corner

Call Unto Me

Call Unto Me

In the dark days of Zedekiah’s reign (the last King of Judah 597-586 BC), Jeremiah, the prophet, received a Word from the Lord while shut up in prison. The Word was a word of encouragement, as well as a word of judgment. In Jeremiah 33:3 the Lord invites His people to “call unto me and I will answer thee…”. Jeremiah prophesied that although Jerusalem and the nation of Judah will be destroyed because of their rebellion and sin, God would ultimately restore the nation and bring her the peace that she longed for.

In Jeremiah 33:15, the Lord promised to send “the Branch of righteousness” who will sit upon the throne of David and bring both righteousness and peace to the land. That “Branch of righteousness” is the Lord Jesus Himself, the Messiah. That Branch has now come and ultimately will be revealed to the people of Israel as the Lord has promised.

Everyone experiences dark days band dark moments in their lives. But if we will stand upon the Word of God and call unto Him, He (the Branch of righteousness) will come and bring peace to us in the midst of our darkness. As he has been faithful to Israel, He will be faithful unto us. Call unto Him and He will answer!

When You’d Rather Be Somewhere Else

When You’d Rather Be Somewhere Else

In Jeremiah 29: 4-7, the Word of the Lord came to the captives in Babylon. They were to “seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captives and to pray unto the Lord for it: for in the peace thereof, ye shall have peace (vs. 7).

They did not want to be in Babylon. They wanted to be home in Jerusalem. We would too! The life they once knew was gone. Things were different and difficult. But the Lord asked them to pray for the peace of that city so that they would also have peace. The Holy One wanted His people to seek Him where they were despite their circumstances. If they would, He would bless them where they were.

The Lord will do the same for us. There are times in life that we find ourselves in a place where we would rather not be. But we are there and there is nothing we can do to change it. What are we to do? We have two choices. We can become enslaved by bitterness and regret or we can seek the Lord where we are and honor Him there.

If we determine to seek the Lord, He will use those circumstances to work something good into our lives that could never have been done any other way. In other words, God will both redeem and bless in the midst of those circumstances if we allow Him. The greatest example of that is Paul the Apostle. He did not want to be in prison. He would rather be free to minister outside. But while in prison, God used him to write much of the New Testament that blesses and encourages us today. With God, nothing is ever wasted. So, seek the Lord where you are. He is at work in the midst of it.

Assurance of Our Salvation

Assurance of Our Salvation

One of the greatest blessings of being a follower of Christ is the ASSURANCE the Father gives us about our relationship with Him. Romans 8:16 says that “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” (NKJV). In all the other religions of the world, no one can ever fully know or be sure of where they stand with God. But the joy that the followers of Christ have is that we can be sure!

That assurance is provided to us by The Holy Spirit. When Jesus ascended back to heaven after the resurrection (Acts 1: 8-9) the Holy Spirit came to indwell or live inside of each believer in Christ (Acts 2:4). The Holy Spirit (God Himself) now lives in each of us and lets us know that we belong to Him. It is a KNOWING that we cannot describe or explain. But the reality of that “knowing” is demonstrated by a “change” in us (2 Corinthians 5:17).

We think differently. We view life differently. We have a whole new perspective on life and the human condition. We understand things we did not understand before. We have hope that we did not have before. Life has a purpose and meaning that it did not have before. For the first time, we understand and KNOW why we are here. And even more importantly, we know where we are going when we die! What a joy and what a blessing the Father has given to us in enabling us to know we belong to Him!

God Is For Us

God Is For Us

In Romans 8:31, the Apostle Paul makes this powerful statement. “If God be for us, who can be against us?” That is the awesome message of the gospel! God is for us!’
All of us have people in our lives who, for whatever reason, do not like us. Some, particularly non-believers, can even be hostile to us.

But if God is for us and with us, no one can successfully stand against us or overcome us. That does not mean they will not try. They will. But because we are in Christ and Christ is in us we are “more than conquerors” (Rom. 8:37). We are already victorious because Christ Himself has already overcome all the powers of darkness; even the darkness that sometimes works through other people.

The power, strength, and victory are all in Him! Stand in Him and no one can successfully stand against you! For if they come against you, they are also coming against Christ Himself who is within you!

How You Can Know Jesus As Your Savior

How You Can Know Jesus As Your Savior

  1. We must agree with God that we have not and cannot measure up to His standard of goodness and holiness! We have all missed the mark! We have all sinned. No one is exempt. No one is perfect. (“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23).
  2. We must understand God’s penalty for sin is death. Everyone is under the sentence of death! No one is exempt. It is our sin that has separated us from God. (“For the wages of sin is death…” Romans 6:23).
  3. We must understand that Jesus loves us so much that He could not bear the thought of our not being with Him in Heaven! Jesus was willing to personally pay the price for our sin Himself! (“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should no perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16).
  4. We must understand that Jesus personally came and paid for our sin in full on the cross! There on the cross, Jesus took our place. Jesus took our sin upon himself. Jesus was judged in our place. (“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 ).
  5. We must understand that God the Father raised Jesus from the dead after 3 days to prove that Jesus was Holy and Righteous and that He has paid for our sin in full!
    (“It is Christ that died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.” Romans 8:32).
  6. We must understand that Salvation is a gift that Christ offers unto us. It cannot be earned. No one is good enough to receive it. It is a gift that is received by putting our trust in Christ for what He has done. ( …”The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23 and “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 2: 8-9).
  7. We must turn from our sin (repent), asking Jesus to forgive us and personally ask Jesus to come into our lives and change us. (“…if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10: 9).
  8. When we do that, Jesus will send the Holy Spirit to come into our heart and we will know that we have been forgiven and that He now lives in us! (“The Spirit Himself bears witness without spirit that we are children of God.” Romans 8:16).

If you will do this and truly mean it when you cry out to the Lord, He will save you!

If you did that, please let us know! We would love to hear from you and send you a free Bible and a booklet that will help your grow in your new life in Christ.

Why Do We Pray for Revival?

Why Do We Pray for Revival?

Prayer is the privilege of talking with the Living God! Through the sacrifice of Jesus for us on the Cross, we now have the privilege of coming into the Presence of God the Father without fear, shame, guilt, or condemnation! We come before Him in the Righteousness of His Son, Jesus; not our own.

Romans 8: 15-16

Jesus literally invites us to partner with Him through prayer in accomplishing His purpose and will in the earth! Prayer is when we spend time quietly before the Living God just listening; not saying a word; waiting in His Presence. It is in this waiting that we hear the voice of God and learn about those things that are upon His heart! It is there in the quietness that He speaks to us, by His Spirit and by His Word, the Bible.

Jeremiah 33:3

John 10:27

It is through prayer that

  •  We cry out to the Living God for those we know who are lost; asking the Holy Spirit to deal with their hearts and bring them to Himself

2 Corinthians 4:4

2 Peter 3:9

  • We battle against the forces of darkness and all their evil plans asking the Lord to nullify and destroy their wicked plans.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

  • The Kingdom of God advances in the earth, and the Lord has chosen in His Sovereignty to invite us to partner with Him in the advancement of His Kingdom!

Matthew 6:10

  • The Holy Spirit is unleashed to reveal the Power and the Glory of God in the earth! Revival is when hearts that have grown cold are awakened once again to the wonder, the awe, and the majesty of the Living God!

Zechariah 4:6

  • The lost are saved and the family and the community is transformed by a fresh, new encounter with the Living God. It is only through prayer that the Lord chooses to accomplish this.

This is why we pray. And this is why we pray for Revival. Read More