In John 20: 24-29, Thomas was unwilling to believe the reports from his fellow disciples that Jesus was truly resurrected from the dead. Because of his skepticism and doubt, he has been labeled by the church down through history as “doubting Thomas”. But in reality that is an unfair label. The fact is that NONE of the disciples believed that Jesus was raised from the dead until they saw Him for themselves (Luke 24:11). Thomas was not with the other disciples when Jesus first appeared to them. After what he had just experienced and witnessed it is doubtful that any of us would have reacted any differently under the same circumstances.
When Jesus appeared unto the disciples the second time (eight days after the first appearance, John 20:26), Thomas DID BELIEVE and confessed Jesus as Lord (v. 28)! The point here is that Thomas needed to know for himself! In reality that is essential for all of us.
We cannot base our faith upon the testimony of someone else, regardless of how credible that testimony may be. In reality, we must encounter Christ for ourselves. Our faith must become our own. We cannot experience new life or walk in new life apart from our own faith in the risen Christ. If our faith is our own, it will last. If it is not, it will soon fail.
James W. Black