Do You Love Jesus?

Do You Love Jesus?

Many people say that they love Jesus. But how can you really tell;? What is the evidence of that love? How can it be seen or measured? In John 14:15, Jesus gives the criteria by which an individual can measure whether or not he truly loves Jesus. Jesus said: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” (ESV). Let me paraphrase that for you in simple terms: “If you love me, then you will do what I say.”

Jesus himself only gave two commandments. Love God completely and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22: 37-40). In John 14:15 Jesus affirms that the measure of love is “obedience”. Obedience means that we endeavor to live a life that honors Him in every way. It means that we do not willfully engage in ungodly activities that dishonor Christ. If a person habitually engages in ungodly actions (regardless of what kind they may be) and there is no grief, brokenness, or repentance over the sin and there is no change in the character or actions, then the scripture says that he doesn’t really love Jesus (1 John 2:4). In fact, he really does not know Jesus at all!

Let us resolve to walk in obedience before the Lord as an expression of our love for Him. Our expression of love through obedience will bring pleasure to Him and will also attract others to Him as well!

James W. Black