“The Lord takes pleasure in those who reverently and worshipfully fear him, in those who hope in His mercy and loving-kindness. ”
(Psalm 147:11 AMPC).
Just as loving parents find pleasure in their children, the Heavenly Father finds pleasure in His! Good parents love their children from the very moment they are born. Just watch the way a mother looks at her newborn baby the first time she sees it! That newborn baby is totally and completely dependent upon the parent. The newborn has done absolutely nothing to earn or merit the parent’s love. But the parent loves the child with an overwhelming, unexplainable love! The loving parent would at that very moment lay down their life for that child. And the only basis for such love is the relationship; nothing else!
As the child begins to grow, the pleasure the parent finds in the child also grows! The parent enjoys watching the child discover and become aware of life and the world in which he lives. And the parent experiences even greater joy when the child willingly listens, learns, and obeys those things he is asked to do! For the parent always knows and wants what is best for the child and for the child to walk in obedience brings great pleasure!
That is a picture of how our Heavenly Father loves us! His love for us is far greater than any words can describe or explain (Eph. 3: 17-19). The Heavenly Father takes pleasure in us simply because of the relationship; nothing else! In fact, He longed for that relationship before we were ever born (Psalm 139: 16-17). The Father’s pleasure is amplified and enhanced when we choose to recognize Him, honor Him, reverence Him, worship Him, and follow Him! It brings Him great pleasure! So much so that the Father will even brag on His children to others whenever He gets a chance (Job 1:8).
So let us resolve to learn of Him more and more and seek to walk in obedience to those things which He teaches us so that the richness of His love for us might be realized each day. Whenever we do, it always brings the Heavenly Father, great pleasure!
Rev. James W. Black