Sometimes God Surprises Us When He Answers Our Prayer
“But the angel said unto him, Fear not Zacharias, for thy prayer is heard and thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son and thou shalt call his name John.” (Luke 1:13 KJV).
Sometimes when we pray about something in particular the Lord answers quickly. Those times are always a joy and a delight. But then there are other times that we pray and the answer does not come quickly. Sometimes we pray for days, weeks, months and even years without seeing the answer. In those times we can become discouraged. In those times we are tempted to quit praying. In those times we often think that the Lord has forgotten us. In those times the enemy of our soul whispers in our ear and tells us that God doesn’t care; that He really doesn’t love us.
No doubt that was true with Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth. For years they had prayed for a child. For years they had longed for a son. But in spite of their faithfulness and their commitment in following the Lord, the answer had not come. Now, the hope for that answer was all but gone. They were well up in years. The possibility of being able to have a child was slim to none. If they had not been able to have a child in their prime their chances of having a child now was marginal at best.
And yet, as Zacharias ministered before the Lord in the Temple; on a day when he least expected it, the answer came. The answer was dramatic. It was shocking. It was in every way a surprise! What was surprising was not just the answer itself but the way in it came. It came in a way he never imagined. God sent an angel to deliver the message. The message was specific, direct and personal. The message was that In spite of what seemed impossible, God was indeed going to give them a son! Because with God nothing is impossible!
Sometimes these answers to prayer are the most powerful and the most meaningful. God’s answer after such a long time usually comes on a day when we least expect it. It comes in a way that totally surprises us. It comes in a way that we will never forget. That answer impacts our life. It marks us. We will never be the same as a result. And it deepens our love, our faith and our trust in the Lord.
So, keep praying. Keep trusting the Lord. Keep standing upon His Word! Although the answer may be long in coming, when it does come, it will surprise you! And you will be totally amazed and in awe of God! And you will realize once again that there is indeed no one like Him!
Rev. James W. Black