No Neutrality In The Kingdom

No Neutrality In The Kingdom

“He who is not with Me is against Me, and he that does not gather with Me scatters abroad.” (Matthew 12:30 NKJV).

There are many who approach Jesus with a take it or leave it attitude. They may tolerate those who do follow Jesus but when it’s comes to them personally it does not really matter if they follow Him or not. They are basically indifferent to Jesus. They think that they can remain neutral when it comes to the person of Jesus. But the truth is that Jesus did not leave us with that option. Jesus made it abundantly clear. Either we are with Him or we are against Him! There is no middle ground! In other words, from God’s perspective, though one may not overtly or openly opposed to Jesus, to be indifferent to Him is the same as being opposed to Him. Neither one will embrace or promote Jesus. Therefore both are considered to be in direct opposition to Him!

Let that sink in for a moment. We are either with Him (following, serving and honoring Him with our lives) or we are against Him (opposing Him, rejecting Him or dishonoring Him with our lives). It literally means that we are either His servant or we are His enemy!  Most would not consider themselves to be the enemy of Christ. But in reality we are either “followers of Christ” or we are the “followers of the evil one.”  And our lives and our actions will clearly demonstrate who it is we are following!  (Matthew 7:17-18). 

Jesus did not leave room for neutrality where He was concerned.  He did not intend to.
He made that clear with His invitation to the very first disciples. His invitation was: “Follow me…”.(Matthew 4:19). That invitation still stands today!

James W. Black