Everyone experiences adversity and great loss at one time or another in life. The level and the depth of that adversity and loss varies with each individual, but going though it is simply a part of life. Being a child of God does not exempt us from it. This past week a prominent and former local pastor and his wife found their 21 year old daughter deceased in her apartment. There was no foul play; no suicide, no drug overdose. The autopsy could not determine the exact cause of death. It was hard. The loss was unbelievably painful!
Then there was the horrific and senseless school shooting at an Elementary School in Uvalde, TX. Nineteen children killed along with two teachers who died trying to shield them from the gunman. As a nation, we are shocked and grieved by such unspeakable tragedy.
But no one has experienced more adversity and loss than a man named Job.
In this classic contest between God and Satan, Job became the focus point of the conflict. Satan was certain that the only reason Job honored and served the Lord was because of the blessings God poured out upon him. Satan knew Job’s flesh (his human weaknesses) but God knew his heart. Because of this, the Lord allowed Satan to touch everything dear to Job. He literally lost everything but his own life (with the exception of his wife).
In the midst of his despair and confusion; in the midst of his pain and loss, in the mist of his frustration with life, Job declared “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him…” (Job 13:15). This is a remarkable and powerful statement! In the midst of such great pain, adversity and loss, Job declared that he would still trust God in spite of everything. Even when he didn’t understand.
This is the key to walking with the Lord. Walking with God does not mean that life is always easy. But it does mean that no matter what happens, we can still trust Him! And like Job we will eventually come through it and be able to give praise and honor to the Lord. Our faith will be deepened and strengthened. And The Holy One will get glory.
James W. Black