The Greatness of God

The Greatness of God

“For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised; he is to be  feared above all gods.”
Psalm 96:4 KJV

There have been times in our history when we have honored and praised great men and women who accomplished great things.  Books have been written about them and monuments have been erected in their honor so that future generations might remember them.  That is a good, right, and noble thing to do.   Those who have accomplished great things should be remembered so that we can appreciate what they have done and learn from them. Most of us have benefited in some way from their accomplishments.   They should be remembered. 

But if we can honor the great accomplishments of men and women,  how much more should we honor the greatness of God?!  No one can compare to the greatness of God!  The monuments to His greatness are displayed everywhere! 

We witness His greatness in the wonder and majesty of His creation; from the vast expanse of the universe (Psalm 19:1) to the smallest flower growing in the field (Math. 6:28-29).  The multitude of life forms staggers the mind.   Each form is unique in design.  Everything God has created is detailed, intricate, precise, and amazingly complex. 

The expression of His greatness is demonstrated in the complexity of the human body.
The Psalmist recognized this when he said that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14).

But His greatness is revealed not only in His physical creation but also by His personal involvement in each of our lives. He provides for us things that are far beyond that which is tangible.  In the midst of our great lostness, He provides us with great salvation!  In the face of great tragedy,  He gives us great hope!  In the face of great loss, He provides us with great sufficiency.  In the face of great darkness, He provides us great light.  In the face of great sorrow, He provides us with great comfort.  In the face of opposition, He provides us with great strength and victory.   In essence,  the greatness of God surpasses all that we can possibly imagine (Eph. 3:20).  Why would we not want to praise Him?   There is no one greater than Him! 

Rev. James W. Black