The Way Into The Presence of God Has Been Opened

The Way Into The Presence of God Has Been Opened

“‘Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom…”
(Matthew 27:51 NKJV)

Everything about Jesus was supernatural.  His birth. His life. His death. And especially His mighty resurrection!  His death on the cross was marked by a number of supernatural events.  One of the most significant  was the rending of veil in the Temple in Jerusalem!   This veil was massive.  It was 60 ft high, 30 ft wide and 4 inches thick (Source: Josephus).  It was designed to separate the Holy Place (where a priest went in to minister daily ) from the Holy of Holies (where only the High Priest could go once a year).  The design of the Tabernacle (upon which the Temple was based) was given to Israel by God Himself [Ex. 25: 8-22, Ex. 26: 31-35].  The Holy of Holies contained  the Ark of the Covenant.  On top of the ark was the Mercy Seat where the High Priest would place the blood of the sacrificial lamb once a year  to atone  for the sin of the people (Ex. 30:10, Heb. 9:7).   In  the Holy of Holies was the manifest Presence of God.  What  is important to remember is that not everyone had access into this sacred place.  Only the High Priest! 

When Jesus cried “It is finished”  and surrendered Himself to death  (John 19:30), at that very  moment the veil was torn in the Temple.  It is significant to note that the veil was torn from “top to bottom”.  This clearly was a supernatural act of God!     Can you imagine the shock of the priests,  who  who were ministering in the Temple that day,  when the veil began to be ripped  apart by unseen hands?  That torn veil reveals to us a number of things. 

First, this was an act of God and not man.  Man had nothing to do with it!  Second, the way into the Holiest Place (the very Presence of God Himself) was now open for everyone!   It was no longer just for  the High Priest. Third, God’s Presence was now released and available to everyone.  The finished work of Christ had fulfilled the demands of the Law.  It had satisfied the demands of Gods judgment of  sin.  It made righteousness available to anyone who would genuinely receive it.  And it  opened the way for God to have fellowship with anyone  who  would genuinely yield their heart to Him!    The torn veil means that we now have direct access to God!  Jesus has opened the way for us!  Let us never take this access for granted.  And may we  engage in reaping the full benefits of it!

James W. Black