Not Guilty

Not Guilty

“And if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless and you are still guilty of your sins (1 Cor.15:17 NLT). 

The essence of our faith rests completely upon the resurrection.  If the literal, physical, bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is not true, then our faith is useless.  If the resurrection is not a reality then our faith in Christ is meaningless.  The unbelieving world knows this and that is why the resurrection is the one thing that is constantly denied and assaulted.  It was from the very beginning (Mathew 28:11-15).  It will continue until He returns. 

But Christ is risen from the dead!  He is alive!  The resurrection of Jesus is the most historically  authenticated event in all of ancient history.   Through His death and His resurrection Christ conquered the power of sin and death and has stripped our adversary, Satan, of all his authority and power over our lives.  All the demons of hell tremble at the Name of Jesus (James 2:19).  They, more than anyone else,  understand the power and the authority of that Name!   The only power the adversary has now is what we give him (Rom. 6: 7-14). 

Through the resurrection, Jesus single handedly defeated all the host of darkness and defeated  them completely (Col. 2:15)!   Satan and his demons were totally conquered once and for all!   No one anywhere can rightfully or successfully challenge the Power and the Authority of Jesus! 

Because of the resurrection our sin debt has been paid in full.  And we are declared before the Judge of all the earth (Gen. 18:25) to be “Not Guilty!”  In order for that to become a reality we must fully repent of our sin, surrender to Him and accept by faith what He has accomplished for us (Acts 2:38).   Christ Himself declares that we have been made righteous in His sight (2 Cor. 5:21).  Therefore because of His resurrection, no one can stand against us (Rom. 8:31).  Because of the resurrection we have been made more than conquerors in Christ (Rom. 8:37).  And because of the resurrection, no matter how dark our sin has been, we (the redeemed) have been declared Not Guilty!
Hallelujah!  Praise His Holy Name! 

James W. Black