“…Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing.”
Psalm 92:13-15
In this passage of scripture, the Lord promises that if we are planted (established, rooted, grounded, actively involved) in a growing relationship with Him, and in His house (working to advance His purposes and His Kingdom), then we shall flourish and enjoy the Presence of God. The word “courts” here is a picture of being in His Presence.
There are many today who have given up and abandoned the house of the Lord altogether. Some have done so simply out of neglect; getting caught up in the busyness of life. Some have become disillusioned because of those in the Body of Christ who have failed at times and not lived up to their expectations; while ignoring their own weaknesses and failures. Their focus has been on others instead of Christ. Many see no purpose or value in church at all because they have never truly sought to cultivate an intimate relationship with the Lord. They have substituted “being in church” for a true relationship with the Lord. They have not yet discovered that church has little meaning or value unless one has experienced the reality of Christ in their persona life. Church is no substitute for the reality of a personal relationship with the Jesus. Church encourages it, enhances it and enriches it, but is never a substitute for it. Many put more value in cultivating relationships with others than they do with the Living God who longs to reveal Himself unto them.
But the Holy One has redeemed us for the purpose of bringing forth fruit (the fruit of the Spirit [Gal. 5: 22-23] and the reproduction of disciples (John 15:5}. And like it or not we cannot do that effectively apart from being connected to and engaged with the Body of Christ. We cannot reach our fullest potential in the Kingdom of God apart from our fellowship with Him and our fellowship with one another. The Body of Christ nurtures us and challenges us in our growth and walk with the Lord. If we continue to cultivate our fellowship with Him we will “flourish in the Presence of God” even in our old age. We can delight in and enjoy the Presence of God more and more in this life until He calls us home to be with Him! And then we will see the full revelation of His glory which for now, we can only imagine! (1 Cor. 2: 9-10 & Rev. 4 – 5).
Rev. James W. Black