“Be still and know that I am God… (Psalm 46:10 KJV).
One of the most ironic things in American life is the fact that we have more time saving devices at our disposal than ever before in history and yet we seem to have less time. Time has become a precious commodity in American life. The truth is that there are still 24 hours in a day. But we choose to fill it up with more things. We have become so busy in life that we have forgotten how to live and enjoy life.
Even those who know the Lord find it difficult to spend time with Him. The key is rediscovering how to be still. Being still requires intentionality. It requires not being rushed or hurried. It requires finding a quiet place. It requires shutting off distractions (computers, cell phones, tv, radio etc.). It requires turning our full attention to the Lord. It requires opening His Word and reading with a desire to listen. It requires sitting still in His Presence and turning a verse of scripture over in our minds thinking of each word and each phrase; letting its message take root in our heart. It requires just reflecting on the Person of God as revealed in Jesus. It requires sometimes just observing and taking in the wonder of His creation all around us and being in awe of His creative power. It requires being still enough to become conscious of His Presence. It requires waiting. It requires sometimes just sitting quietly before Him and not saying a word.
And it is in the stillness and quietness of those moments that we hear the “still small voice” of the Lord speaking softly to us in our spirit. In those moments He reveals Himself to us; reminding us that He is with us, reaffirming His love for us and like a loving Shepherd gently nudging us in the direction He wants us to go. In the quietness of those moments He reaches out to us and invites us to follow Him on the path He has chosen for the day. And as we step out onto the path we sense the gentle touch of His hand guiding us along the way.
It is in the wonder and the mystery of being still that we rediscover once again that He is God and He is with us! And it is in Him that we discover the meaning and purpose of the journey.
Rev. James W. Black