“I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation; he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness…”
Isaiah 61:10 KJV
Throughout the year clothing manufacturers send out catalogues and other forms of advertising informing us of the latest fashions. People eagerly watch the Hollywood elite at their award ceremonies to see what styles their favorite movie stars are wearing. But did you know that the Holy One is also concerned about fashion?
His greatest desire is that we might be “clothed” with the garments of salvation and to wear “the robe of righteousness.” Of all the things we might wear, those are the most important.
We are also instructed in the Word of God (Colossians 3: 1-17) that as followers of Christ we are to “put off” some things and to “put on” some things. In Col. 3:8-9 we are instructed to “put off” anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy talk and lying. In Col. 3: 12-14 we are instructed to “put on” tender mercy, kindness, humbleness, meekness, patience, forgiveness and love. Being followers of Christ, therefore, requires us to change what we wear. And the amazing thing is that Christ has already provided us with everything that we need (2 Peter 1:3).
The good news is that unlike the world’s fashion, the believer’s fashion has already been paid for in Christ (Col. 3:10-11). The fashion that Christ provides for us is always free. It always looks good on us. It is always a perfect fit. It never wears out. And it never goes out of style! And when unbelievers actually get a good look at it, it makes them envious!
So, as followers of Christ, let us be sure that we are wearing the right wardrobe because someone is always looking at what we wear! And let us be so submitted to Christ, that our garments are always a reflection of Him!
By Rev. James Black