When we consider the greatness of empires both past and present and the impact they have had upon the world (Greece, Rome, England, and the US to name a few), we are awed by the fact that in spite of all their greatness, power, wealth and the influence they had in the world, they are as “nothing” in the Presence of the Living God. The very thought of that gives us a small glimpse of the magnificence and greatness of God!
Our God and His Kingdom are far greater than any nation that has ever been or ever will be. And He has redeemed us and called us to be a part of His Mighty Kingdom! Not only are we redeemed to be a part of His Kingdom, but we are also redeemed to be a part of His Family! As a part of His Family, we will be given authority and power to execute His will and purpose throughout His Kingdom for all eternity.
Although the Kingdom has not been fully manifested because Christ has not yet returned, the redeemed are already in the Kingdom and have been given power and authority to execute His will on the earth even now. At present, our current assignment is to hear His Word, listen to His voice, and obey what He asks us to do. We must remember that we are currently in training. Everything that we are going through right now is God’s way of training us and preparing us to rule and reign with Him in eternity. The day will come when His Kingdom will be fully revealed and we will see Him in all of His glory! At that moment everything else will fade away in comparison to Him! What an awesome and mighty God we serve! His greatness is beyond our comprehension!
James W Black