“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Romans 6:23 KJV
During the Christmas Season, people naturally turn their attention to gifts. Now, there is nothing wrong with the giving and receiving of gifts. It is a way of expressing our love, appreciation, and care for one another. Those who enjoy giving gifts desire to give the “perfect gift” to that special person or persons. They want to give something that will be valued and treasured; something that when the gift is seen or used later they always remember the one who gave them that gift. But this season is not about the gifts we give to one another. Rather it is about the extravagant gift that God has given unto us!
This extravagant gift cannot be purchased or earned in any way (Eph. 2: 8-9). And its value cannot be realized until it is genuinely received. It is only when this gift is gratefully received that genuine transformation occurs. Some transformation occurs immediately (2 Cor. 5:17). Other transformation takes place over a lifetime of embracing, treasuring, and walking in the reality of this precious gift.
In Romans 8:32 the Word of God declares: “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” (KJV). When it came to us (all of us) God the Father spared no expense. He gave the most valuable possession that He had so that you and I could have eternal life, be a part of His Eternal Family, and live in His Eternal Kingdom.
With His gift, He lavished His incomprehensible love upon us! His gift is rich and extravagant! It is immeasurable! It is eternal! It never gets old. It never goes out of style. It never goes out of date. It never wears out. And it never becomes obsolete. We can never outgrow it and we cannot live without it. It is with us now and will be with us all throughout eternity. It is the perfect gift that ultimately makes us perfect in the sight of a Holy God! There is no other gift like it anywhere! It is indeed one of a kind!
And it should be treasured above all other gifts!
Rev. James W. Black