“…His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.”
2 Peter 1:3 KJV
Everything that we need to live a Godly life has already been provided for us through the Person of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit Who now dwells within us (Col. 1:27). All of that became ours, the very moment that we surrendered our heart to Him! The reason that we often struggle is that we believe the lies of the adversary that somehow we are are inferior, inadequate, and insignificant and that we need more than what we already have in order to walk with God and please Him!
While it is true that as followers of Christ we must grow in our faith walk, it is equally true that all that we need to grow has already been provided for us. We must simply learn to walk in what we already possess. We do not need more power or more strength or more wisdom. We simply need to draw upon what we already have in Christ.
There is no shortage of power, strength, wisdom, ability, love, grace, joy or peace in Jesus. There is no lack of anything in Him! Therefore if Christ is in us (Rom. 8: 9-11), then we already have all that is needed to live for Him and to be whatever He wants us to be in this life. Some will say, “Well, I don’t feel strong or wise or full of joy and peace!” That is certainly true when we are focusing upon ourselves or our circumstances. But we do not walk by our feelings. When we rivet our attention on Him, focus upon Him, walk in Him and draw upon Him, He will provide for us everything that is needed when it is needed. Our source for all that we need is in Him, not in ourselves. Our walk with Christ is not determined by how we feel. It is determined by the “knowledge of Him that has called us.”
Thus the key to discovering all that we have in Christ is simply to be intentional in seeking to know Him more and more. As as we learn to know Him more, we discover that He is the God Who is more than enough for all things!
Rev. James W. Black