The Price of Redemption

The Price of Redemption

“…thou was slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people and nation.” (Rev. 5:9 KJV).

The value of an item is determined by its cost. And the cost is ultimately determined by what an individual is willing to pay. The cost of our redemption was far greater than we can possibly imagine. And yet the Father’s love for us was so great that He was willing to pay the price!

We often do not think of what it cost the Father to redeem us. The shedding of the blood of Jesus was one of the most horrific events in all of human history. The One who is totally innocent took the full punishment of all of us who are totally guilty! The Father’s holiness required Him to pour out the fullness of His wrath upon His Son. The Father was required to judge Him (Jesus) just as if He was judging us! He could hold nothing back! (Isaiah 53: 10-11). The horror and the wonder of that is beyond our comprehension. The finite human mind struggles to grasp the depth and the magnitude of that. Only in the infinite mind of God can it be fully understood.

But what we can understand is this. The Father’s infinite love for us moved Him to do whatever was necessary to bring us into complete fellowship with Him! For the Father and the Son, it was worth the price! Only the precious blood of Jesus redeems us in the sight of God! That blood is on the Mercy Seat before the Throne of God! That blood is applied to our hearts the instant we believe and receive Jesus as our Savior. That blood makes us righteous in His sight! And that blood is available to all people of all nations for all time! That blood is pure! That blood is precious! That blood is holy! That blood is priceless! May we ever treasure this great salvation. May we never take it for granted.

James W. Black