“Can two walk together except they be agreed?”
Amos 3:3 KJV
In Amos 3:3, the Lord was lamenting the fact that Israel had abandoned the Living God and had embraced the lifeless gods of the wicked culture that surrounded them. They had rejected the truth and embraced the lies. They had abandoned the light and were now walking in darkness. As a result, they were no longer able to walk in fellowship with God. The time would come, as they continued down that path, that Israel would be overwhelmed and swallowed up by the very darkness they had embraced. (Prov.16:25).
The Lord invites us to walk with Him. It is a walk of fellowship. Fellowship is based upon our mutual love and respect for one another. It is based upon our mutual acceptance and delight in one another. This fellowship produces mutual joy in one another. Fellowship is something that both parties enjoy!
When we embrace the darkness of the culture around us, it diminishes the closeness of our fellowship with the Lord. If we continue down that path without genuine repentance our fellowship can be broken.
That broken fellowship will then begin to be manifested in our life. The Lord will remove His favor upon our lives. Life will begin to get harder. His wall of protection will be removed from around us and the powers of darkness will be given access to our lives. Whereas before we experienced the blessings of God, we now begin to experience the chastening and discipline of God. If we continue to ignore it, the discipline will increase. (Deut. 28). All of it is designed to bring us back to the Lord.
But when we choose to walk-in fellowship with the Lord, His favor and blessings are poured out upon us in abundance. It is to our benefit to walk in fellowship with the Lord. This fellowship brings great pleasure to the Father and brings great contentment, fulfillment, and joy to us. (Psalm 16:11).