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 Do You Feel As If God Has Forgotten You?

 Do You Feel As If God Has Forgotten You?

“How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord?  Forever?  How long wilt thou hide thy face from me?”   

Psalm 13:1 KJV

David was in a desperate situation.  King Saul and his army had surrounded  David and his small band of men in the wilderness. Although they had not yet been discovered, there was a real possibility that he, and all those who were with him, were going to die! (1 Sam. 23: 24-28).  He did not know what to do.    David had cried out to the Lord, but the Lord had not answered.

Have you ever been there?  If you haven’t, you will.  Life has a way of forcing us into difficult situations.  There are times when our circumstances can be overwhelming.   And in the midst of them, we can feel as if God has abandoned us!   Our adversary will certainly be quick to tell us that He has!   What can we do in those times?

We must learn to do what David did. We must choose to trust the Lord in spite of the circumstances. We must intentionally fix our eyes upon the Lord instead of the circumstances. (2 Chron. 29:12).  In the midst of this trial David declared:  “But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.  I will sing unto the Lord because he hath dealt bountifully with me.” (Ps. 13: 5-6 KJV).

Even though God had not yet answered, David believed that He would!  Because the Lord had answered in the past, David believed that He would somehow answer him now!  He continued to trust!  And he determined to sing praises to the Lord for his faithfulness both in the past and even now in the present! 

So, let us continue to trust in the Lord and continue to worship Him, honor Him, and walk with Him!  He has not abandoned us!  Nor has He forsaken us!  (Deut. 31:6, Heb. 13:5).  The Lord will answer at the best possible time!   And that time will be so amazing that He alone will get all the glory! 

Rev. James W. Black 

The Effect of Our Hope in Christ

The Effect of Our Hope in Christ

“And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even a he is pure.” (1 John 3:3 KJV).

In this passage, the Apostle John explains to the followers of Christ what our hope in Christ actually does for us.  If we have truly put our hope (our confident expectation)  and trust in Christ (that is knowing who He is and who we are in Him) then we are motivated to live a life that is a reflection of Christ. In other words, we will desire to live a godly life that represents Him to an unbelieving world.

That does not mean that we are perfect.  None of us are. But it does mean that we seek to honor the Lord to the best of our ability with His help.  It means that we surrender to the Holy Spirit and allow His fruit to be manifested in us and through us. (Gal. 5: 22-25).  And whenever we fail, and there are times when we all do,  we then do everything we can to make things right with the Lord and with others.  It means that we walk in humility before the Lord and before men; not boasting in ourselves, but boasting in Christ alone.

The NLT makes this very clear.  “And all who have this eager expectation will keep themselves pure just as he is pure.” (1 John 3:3 NLT).  If we are hoping to see Jesus soon (and we will because life is short) then we will not be engaged in things that would dishonor Him or bring a reproach to His Name!  We will live in joyful expectation of His coming! 

Knowing that we will see Him soon motivates us to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord so that we will not be ashamed to see Him when He returns or when He calls us home! That is what our hope in Christ does for the redeemed people of God. 

Rev. James W. Black

Having A Right Spirit

Having A Right Spirit

 “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit in me.”

Psalm 51:10 KJV

David was Israel’s greatest king.  The Lord called him “a man after his own heart..”(1 Sam. 13:14).  Because David’s heart was fixed upon the Lord, the Lord blessed him and used him powerfully to accomplish His divine purpose for Israel. The only battle that David ever lost was the battle within his own heart.   The battle was not lost in the midst of great trial or conflict but rather in the midst of security, ease, and abundance.  (2 Sam, 11). 

Because of his success, he had become complacent in his relationship with the Lord. David had forgotten that all of his success and blessings were the result of God’s favor. He was so busy in his success that he failed to consider God in the day-to-day decisions of his life.  (Deut. 6:10-13).

 This man, who loved the Lord, allowed himself to be drawn into grievous sin!  He failed to guard his heart. (Prov. 4:23).  This happened because his spirit (his inner man – his heart) was not right with God.  David was relying upon his own wisdom instead of the wisdom of God. (Prov. 16:25).  After his great sin, he tried to ignore it, not realizing that he had deeply offended the Lord! (2 Sam. 11: 27).  His intimate fellowship with God was broken! 

Finally, God confronted David and publicly exposed his sin through Nathan the prophet.  (2 Sam. 12:7).   David’s heart was pierced!   David knew that what the prophet had said to him was true!   He could no longer try to hide it.  Thankfully David’s heart was still tender enough to be broken!   He remembered the sweet fellowship he once had with the Lord!   He remembered that the greatest joy one can have in life is to live each day knowing that our heart is right with the Lord.  In desperation, he cried out to the Lord in brokenness and repentance.   He asked for mercy and forgiveness.   David longed for his heart to be cleansed and renewed and to once again be right with the Lord!  God heard David’s cry.  He knew that David’s repentance was genuine and forgave him!  (2 Sam. 12:13). 

The good news of the Gospel is that what David experienced is now available to each of us through the Blood of Jesus!   (1 John 1:9).  May we seek to live each day with our heart being right with the Lord.  There is no better way to live!   

Rev. James W. Black 

Experiencing God In The Ordinary

Experiencing God In The Ordinary

“And there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense. And when Zacharias saw him, he was troubled, and fear fell upon him. But the angel said unto him, “Fear not, Zaharias; for thy prayer is heard and thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John.”

Luke 1:11-13 KJV

Zacharias was a priest and a godly man who was chosen to minister in the Temple before the altar of incense. The altar of incense represented the prayers of God’s people. He and his wife had no child and were beyond the normal childbearing age. For a long time they had prayed for a child, but the answer had not come.  Then in the midst of engaging in his ordinary duties as a priest,  Zacharias was confronted by an angel from the Lord.  He was surprised.  He was startled.  He was afraid.   After all, it isn’t every day that one sees an angel!

The message of the angel was nothing short of miraculous.   The prayer of Zacharias had been heard.  He and his barren wife would have a son.  And they were to name him John!  He was shocked.  He was amazed, for he was well aware of the natural impossibility of his circumstances.   Although he could not deny what he had seen and heard, he struggled to accept and believe the message!  Zacharias had experienced God in the midst of the ordinary and he was overwhelmed. 

Whenever the Lord reveals Himself to us, He always does so in the midst of the ordinary.   He steps into the ordinary circumstances of our lives and suddenly we are conscious that He is there!  And like Zacharias, we are normally surprised and amazed. Knowing that the Lord can reveal Himself at any time, should encourage us to live our lives with a sense of expectancy! 

The Lord’s revelation of Himself to us may not be as dramatic as that of Zacharias, but if we live with expectancy our eyes and ears will be trained to see Him and hear Him however He reveals Himself.   After all,  He has promised that if we are looking for Him, we will find Him!   (Jer. 29:13).

Rev. James W. Black 

The Prince of Peace

“…and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6 KJV

One of the titles of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus, is “Prince of Peace.”  The Kingdom of God ushered in by Jesus when He first entered this world is marked by peace. That is quite a contrast to the kingdoms of this world, which are marked by sin, turmoil, and war.   

This peace that the Lord Jesus brings is two-fold.  First, there is the peace that we presently experience.   It is individual.   It is personal. It is real.  Those who open their heart to the reign of Christ experience personal peace within. That is the present reality of a child of God.  When Jesus was on His way to the cross, He informed His disciples that He was going to leave them with His Peace (John 14:27).  That peace became a reality for them after Pentecost (Acts 2:38-39).  It is now a reality for us!   The Holy Spirit is now here to live within the spirit of the redeemed;  revealing and releasing the Power of Christ within us. This peace is constantly with us in good times and in bad times.  He is with us to comfort, strengthen, teach, and guide us. 

Second, the ultimate culmination of His Peace will be realized when He returns to establish  His Eternal Kingdom literally on the earth!  (Rev.19: 11-16). That is the other part of His Peace!  His throne will be established on the earth in Jerusalem.  All people and nations will submit to Him, honor Him, and worship Him!   He will usher in a reign of peace and righteousness in the earth that the world has never seen before.  At that time, war will cease!  (Micah 4:3).  And we (the redeemed of God) will be a part of that marvelous Kingdom!  We will rule and reign with Him in that Kingdom!  (Rev. 5:10). 

So let us rejoice in His Peace!  The Peace that is present and the Peace that is coming. Jesus is the Prince of Peace!   He has come to us!  He is with us!  And  He is coming!  Nothing will stop that! 

Rev. James W. Black

 Light Always Overcomes the Darkness

 Light Always Overcomes the Darkness

“You are the light of the world…Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5: 14-16 NKJV

In every generation the darkness of evil has sought to be the dominant influence in the culture. It has been the calling of God’s people in every generation to engage the darkness and push it back by the power of the gospel; a gospel that is both proclaimed and lived out in the culture.

There have been times when the people of God have risen to the challenge.   And there have been times when they have not.  Whenever God’s people fail to meet the challenge, darkness fills the vacuum and began to permeate and corrupt everything.  To those seeking to live out the life of Christ in the face of such darkness, the challenge can be intimidating!   Imagine the challenge of our brothers and sisters in places like North Korea and Iran!  And yet, the light of the gospel still shines in those places!     

It is vitally important to remember that the Light of Christ is always greater than the darkness!  There is no darkness that has the power to overcome that.  Light.  John 1:5 declares:  “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.”  (NLT).

The Light of the gospel of Christ impacts one life at a time. Transformation of the culture occurs one life at a time; one family at a time; one community at a time.  The Light has a greater capacity to impact the culture than the darkness.   We are not called to do everything.   But each of us is called to do something.  We can do what we can do right where we are; beginning in our family,  in our workplace,  in our neighborhood and in our community at large wherever that may be.   

Therefore let us determine to be His instrument of light wherever He places us. We will be amazed at how people will be impacted by His Light if we merely allow it to shine through us!

Rev. James Black

Gratitude  for the Lord’s Mercy

Gratitude  for the Lord’s Mercy

“For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear Him.”

Psalm 103:11 KJV

In this passage the Hebrew word for “mercy” is “checed”  (pronounced as “kheh-sed” and sometimes as  “hesed”.   It means favor, loving-kindness, compassion,  and pity.  (See Strongs #2617).   Webster’s Dictionary points out that mercy is especially significant because it is extended to someone who is an “offender”, or “one who is “guilty” of a trespass and is “undeserving”!   (Webster’s 9th Collegiate Dict. Page 743).  To receive only a warning instead of a ticket from a Police Officer when we were guilty of speeding is mercy.  To have a debt canceled that we obviously owed is mercy.  To be forgiven when we know we were wrong is mercy.  In each case, we were undeserving! 

Scripture reminds us again and again of the mercy of God!  We can only appreciate His mercy when we begin to understand His Holiness!   The Lord is so Holy,  so righteous,  so pure and  so removed  from any  possibility of sin that we cannot even begin to imagine it!  Likewise, we are so unholy, so unrighteous and so impure and so corrupted by sin, that we had absolutely no hope of ever being accepted or received into  His Holy Presence. (Exodus 33: 20; Rom.3:10; 23).

But the mercy of God is so great that when He saw us in our hopeless and helpless condition, He determined that He would do whatever it took to bring us to Himself! (John 3:16).   The depth and height of such mercy are beyond our ability to understand fully!  We who were once cut off and separated from this Holy God,  have been washed and redeemed by the precious Blood of Jesus! (Eph. 2:12-13). Because of that Blood, we have been made holy and righteous in His sight! (2 Cor.5:21).  We are now fully accepted and received by Him!  Not only that but He has made us members of  His very own family!  We are now Sons and Daughters of the Most High God!   That is true for everyone who has received Him, regardless of where He found us!   As we ponder that,  it should cause us to be ever humbly grateful for the mercy of God! 

Rev. James W. Black

Abundant Life

Abundant Life

 “…I came that they they may have and enjoy life, and have  it in abundance (to the full, til it overflows!). 

John 10:10 AMPC

In this passage, Jesus declared the reason for His coming. He came to give us life with such abundance that it overflows!  But what does it mean to have life with abundance? To some, it means having plenty of everything (food, shelter, clothing, transportation, a job we enjoy) and enough resources to buy not only what we need but much of what we may want.  To others, it means being healthy, being together with family, and being safe. And while many of these things are indeed necessary and important, having them does not ensure that our life is full and abundant. Many unredeemed and lost people have all of these things but do not have an abundant life.

What then is the abundant life?  The Holy One gives us a number of promises that reveal to us exactly what it means. It means:  1.  Joy (John 15:11); 2. Peace despite our circumstances (John 14: 27); 3. Contentment in life regardless of our station in life (Phil. 4:11);   4. Sufficiency (Phil. 4:19) and most importantly (5). Eternal Life both now and when this present life is over (John 11:25-26).  To summarize, it simply means that In Christ we have all these things and more. (Matthew 6:33).  They are abundant and literally inexhaustible! 

When we realize that our enjoyment of life is not based upon the acquisition of things or even in being in the best circumstances, we are free to discover that our ultimate fulfillment and satisfaction in life is found in knowing and walking in Christ. It is in Christ that we discover our ultimate purpose and meaning!   We were created to know Him and to fellowship with Him; the eternal God, King, and Lord of Glory!   There is absolutely nothing greater or more fulfilling than that!   And there is no one who can offer that to us except Christ! 

Rev. James W. Black

The Invitation  To Follow

The Invitation  To Follow

“As Jesus passed on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office.  And He said to him, ‘Follow Me.’  So he arose and followed Him.”

Matthew 9:9 NKJV

Matthew was a tax collector.  Tax collectors were viewed by the Jews as traitors because they worked for the Romans. Most tax collectors gouged the people.  The Romans had a set amount for the taxes that were required.  Goods were taxed and individuals were taxed.  The tax collectors were appointed by the local governor in the region. Those positions were often bought and sold because they were so lucrative.  It was not unusual for the governor or local magistrate to get a small percentage (under the table) over and above what was required. This actually amounted to a fee (or bribe) for being appointed to the position.   The tax collector would then add his own percentage to the tax amount raising the taxes even higher.  It is easy to see how greed and corruption flourished.  Consequently, the tax collectors became quite wealthy. They were shunned by most of the Jewish population. 

Jesus encountered Matthew sitting at his tax collecting booth.  Jesus looked at him and said, “Follow Me.” No doubt, Matthew had already heard of Jesus. It is possible that he had also witnessed some of His miracles.  When Jesus looked at him and spoke to him personally, everything changed. The eyes of Jesus pierced his soul. His words gripped his heart!  Matthew saw himself in the light of His holiness! And yet at the same time, he experienced His overwhelming love! 

In a moment of time, Matthew went from being despised, hated, and rejected to being unconditionally loved!   As a result, he left everything and followed Jesus!   

That is what happens when we truly see Jesus for who He really is!  His love touches us at the very core of our being.  It transforms us and motivates us to leave everything in our past and follow Him!   In reality, there is no other way to follow Him! 

James W. Black

Standing Against The Evil Of Our Time

Standing Against The Evil Of Our Time

 “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil…”.   

Proverbs 8:13 KJV

As the people of God, there are some things that we should hate!   Such a statement sounds strange to some.  It seems totally contradictory to the message of the Gospel! After all, the scripture clearly declares that “God is love!”  (1 John 4:8). And as followers of Christ, we are called to love one another with the Love of Christ. (John 13:35).   Such love, which the Lord provides,  identifies us as God’s people!   It separates us from the world!   But if we truly love the Lord and seek to honor Him and follow Him, there will be some things that we hate!

As God’s people we will hate the things that God hates.   And yes, there are some things that God hates.  There is an impressive list in Prov. 6: 17-19.  In looking at that list we can quickly see that God hates every form of evil!    He hates sin which is the root of all evil expression.   The Evangelist Paul Washer said it well:   “Don’t tell me about your new relationship with Jesus!   Tell me about your new relationship with sin!   As a follower of Christ, do we hate the things that God hates?  And do we love the things that God loves?”   The Lord loves all people, but He hates the sin that enslaves and wrecks their lives!   He hates every form and every expression of evil!   So should we!

We should also hate the lies of our culture.  The lie that says that you can choose your gender.  The lie that says a baby is not a human and it is OK to kill the baby as long as there is a small portion of its foot still in the birth canal.   The lie that says that it is OK to permanently mutilate young children’s bodies when they are too immature to make such life-altering decisions.  The lie that says the state knows how to raise children better than parents do.  The lie that says that government is more efficient than private enterprise. The lie that says you can tax a nation into prosperity.   The lie that says you can permanently spend more than you make without any negative consequences.   The lie that says that everyone is entitled and everyone is a victim.  The lie that says no one is responsible for their actions.  And we could go on and on!   

Such lies degrade, enslave, and destroy people’s lives.  They can also destroy communities.  And as God’s people,  we should hate those things!   We should stand against those things. And do all that we can as God’s people to fight with our voices and our vote against those who proclaim and promote such lies!

Rev. James W. Black.