Month: August 2022

No Condemnation

No Condemnation

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which  are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”  (Rom. 8:1 KJV). 

We live in a broken world.  One of the results  of that brokenness is the fact that each of us at different times face condemnation from a variety of sources.  Some people condemn us whenever we make a mistake, never recognizing their own weakness and tendency for failure. Others condemn us when we do not measure up to their expectations.  Then there are those who condemn us simply because we disagree with them, regardless of the irrefutable facts that support our position.   We see that all across the spectrum of our society today. 

Then in addition to that, for those who are followers of Christ, we face the condemnation of the evil one.  He condemns us and reminds us of our past. 
He condemns us and points out our failure whenever we  slip up and do something wrong as a follower of Christ. (Note:  We all fail at times! ) He condemns us by telling us that there is no possible way that God could forgive us, much less love us; especially after what we did.   That of course is a lie!

And there is the condemnation that we bring upon ourselves.  We beat ourselves up because  we feel that we should be more spiritual or more mature than we are.  We get disappointed in ourselves when we compare ourselves to others. 

But the good news of the gospel is that Jesus came to set us free not only from the penalty of our sin, but also from the condemnation  that sin brings upon us!   The experience of  freedom begins with genuine repentance before God.  We agree with God that in light of His holiness our act or actions was sin in His sight. (1 John 1:9).  Repentance means that we surrender  to the cross, renounce our sin and turn from it. In exchange,  we receive His forgiveness, love and grace.  We receive His cleansing, renewal and refreshing.  We enthrone Jesus upon our heart and resolve to walk in  Him submitting to His power operating within us.  When we choose to do so, we discover the liberty and freedom of no longer walking in condemnation!  Jesus sets us free from the condemnation of others, from the evil one, and from the condemnation we bring upon ourselves!   That is real freedom!  And only Jesus can provide that for us! 

James W. Black

Recognizing Jesus

Recognizing Jesus

“And their eyes were opened, and they recognized him.” (Luke 24:31 ESV).

     The reality the Jesus is evident to all  those who want to see Him.   He is revealed in and through the creation (Psalm 19:1, John 1:3, Col. 1:16).  He is revealed in and through The Word of God (Heb. 4:12, Rom. 10:17).  And He is revealed in and through the personal lives of those who have received His message of grace, forgiveness and salvation and have experienced the transforming power of His Spirit!  (Rom. 8: 15-16). 

      Although  Jesus is invisible  (at the moment) to the natural eye, yet He is visible to us in the spirit and through the everyday events and circumstances of life.  Jesus illustrated this by pointing out that the Holy Spirit is like the wind.  We do not see or know how or where it originates or where it goes when it passes over us, but we can readily see and know what it does (John 3:8).  The ability to recognize Jesus depends upon whether or nor we genuinely desire to see Him!  All throughout scripture, the Lord revealed Himself to those who genuinely wanted to see.  He did that for Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Daniel and He still reveals Himself today.  Some revelations are dramatic, such as Moses at the burning bush (Ex. 3:2) and Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9: 1-6).  The majority however  are quiet and simple like those two disciples in Emmaus,  who were having an ordinary meal with a stranger until their eyes were opened and they realized it was Jesus.   

      That is how Jesus most often reveals Himself to us today; in the simple,  everyday, ordinary things of life.  In those  times, like the disciples  in Emmaus, we may not immediately recognize Him at first.   But when as we look more closely upon  the moment, the  event or the circumstances we  have experienced our eyes are opened and we suddenly see Him .  We see that He was there right in the midst of of it!  He was  operating and working in that situation all the time!  That revelation is given to us by The Holy Spirit who opens our eyes and enables us to see!  That is why those who do not know Him and those who have no interest in Him, never see Him.   Jesus always hides Himself  from those who do not care to see.  But He is always revealing  Himself to those who do!  (Jer. 29:13). 

The Promises of God

The Promises of God

“Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature…”2nd Peter 1:4

The promises of God are without equal!  The promises of God are absolute;  meaning that they will be fulfilled!   The Character and the Power of God are behind each promise that He makes!  They are greater than we can possibly imagine.  As the hymn says; we can “stand on the promises of God.” 

But it is important for us to understand that there are different categories of God’s promises.  Some of the promises of God are unconditional; meaning that they apply to all people at all times.  Such is the promise of Salvation. It is offered to all who believe (that is put their complete trust) in  Jesus.  His love, forgiveness, and amazing grace are available to all who call upon Him in faith!  (John 3:16, Rom. 10:13).  This promise enables all who put their trust in Christ to experience the life-changing, transforming power of the Holy Spirit and receive a new life!  (2 Cor. 5:17). 

There are some promises that are specifically for the Nation of Israel.  They are God’s Covenantal Promise unto them. (Gen. 12:3). Some promises are conditional; meaning that we have a responsibility for those promises to be fulfilled.  If we honor, obey Him and meet the conditions He has asked, specific blessings will follow. But if we walk in dishonor and obedience certain curses will follow as a result.  (Deuteronomy 28).

All of God’s promises are given out of His love for His people!  They are designed to bless His people!  All of His promises are given to enable His people to experience the goodness of God in their lives.  One of the greatest ways we can grow in our faith is to begin walking by faith in the promises that God has given unto us.  As we do, we will experience the reality of those promises being manifested in our lives.  And we will begin to experience God in our daily lives! 

Let us be thankful that we have such an awesome God who makes such astounding promises to us! 

Rev. James W. Black

Unable to Discern Right from Wrong

Unable to Discern Right from Wrong

In Isaiah 5:20-21 The Holy One gave the Word through the prophet Isaiah to the people of Israel: “Woe to them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to them that are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight.” (KJV). Because Israel had abandoned both the Truth of God (The Word of God) and the God of Truth they were no longer able to discern between what was good and what was evil. They had lost their moral compass and everyone did what was right in his own eyes!

Sadly we are witnessing the same thing in our culture today. As a culture we have abandoned the Truth of God (the Word of God) and the God of Truth (John 14:6). And professing ourselves to be wise we have become fools (Romans 1:22).

Today, every form of evil is celebrated by the culture at large. Homosexuality, fornication, adultery, lying, cheating, stealing, public profanity, and every form of perversion and evil are celebrated by the culture at large. Today such things are called good! To disapprove or disagree with such things is considered hateful, bigoted, and intolerant. To protest such things is considered unenlightened and out of touch.

As a result, we are reaping and will continue to reap, the consequences of such evil choices. Our families will continue to disintegrate. Our children will continue to be abused (the greatest abuse is abortion), abandoned, and sexually exploited by a culture in which now many of the so-called “elite” think that pedophilia should be legalized. The envelope is being pushed further and further. Now even cannibalism is being promoted in movies and books. One “enlightened” commentator on the arts noted recently that “cannibalism is a subject whose time has come.”

As a Holy God brought judgment upon his own people for their wickedness, He will surely bring judgment upon us for our light has been much greater! But regardless of the darkness, we are called to be the light to this generation in darkness. We are called to live and walk in the Truth of Christ and His Word! We have the compass! And because of that, we can discern the difference between right and wrong; good and evil. Let us resolve to continue to be that light!

Rev. James W. Black