Month: January 2023

No Neutrality In The Kingdom

No Neutrality In The Kingdom

“He who is not with Me is against Me, and he that does not gather with Me scatters abroad.” (Matthew 12:30 NKJV).

There are many who approach Jesus with a take it or leave it attitude. They may tolerate those who do follow Jesus but when it’s comes to them personally it does not really matter if they follow Him or not. They are basically indifferent to Jesus. They think that they can remain neutral when it comes to the person of Jesus. But the truth is that Jesus did not leave us with that option. Jesus made it abundantly clear. Either we are with Him or we are against Him! There is no middle ground! In other words, from God’s perspective, though one may not overtly or openly opposed to Jesus, to be indifferent to Him is the same as being opposed to Him. Neither one will embrace or promote Jesus. Therefore both are considered to be in direct opposition to Him!

Let that sink in for a moment. We are either with Him (following, serving and honoring Him with our lives) or we are against Him (opposing Him, rejecting Him or dishonoring Him with our lives). It literally means that we are either His servant or we are His enemy!  Most would not consider themselves to be the enemy of Christ. But in reality we are either “followers of Christ” or we are the “followers of the evil one.”  And our lives and our actions will clearly demonstrate who it is we are following!  (Matthew 7:17-18). 

Jesus did not leave room for neutrality where He was concerned.  He did not intend to.
He made that clear with His invitation to the very first disciples. His invitation was: “Follow me…”.(Matthew 4:19). That invitation still stands today!

James W. Black

What Is Our Motive?

What Is Our Motive?

“Every way of man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord pondereth the hearts.”
(Proverbs 21:2 KJV).  

Have you ever heard someone say:  “The Lord knows my heart!” I have heard that statement numerous times over the years.  It  is usually made by those who seek to justify their non Christian actions or lifestyle in comparison to others.  But in reality that statement is true!  The Lord does know our hearts.   The Lord  knows not only our actions, but  He also knows our inward motivation.  He knows what our real intentions are.  He knows what really drives us in our actions and decisions.  

When the Holy One looks upon us, He knows every motive of our heart.  Although our outward actions may appear to be good, the Lord knows what is really motivating us.
(1 Samuel 16:7).    Are we seeking to promote ourselves?  Are we seeking to justify ourselves?  Are we seeking the praise and the approval of others?  Or are we seeking to genuinely honor and please the Lord?  The Lord knows the difference.

While all of us desire the  approval of others (spouse, co-workers, neighbors and friends) we must realize that there are times when, in spite of our best efforts we are misunderstood and our actions are mischaracterized.  We may experience rejection because of that.  That rejection can be devastating.  It can be difficult to bear.  

But if the motive of our heart is pure, if there was no selfish motive or ambition, then the Holy One will become our defender (Math. 18:6-7).  He will help us to overcome the feelings of rejection and move forward with peace and joy.  If our motive is not pure, then we are left to handle it on our own until we are ready to surrender all of it to the Lord and allow Him to cleanse us and renew  us by His Blood (1 John 1:9-10).  

Ultimately is is the Lord’s approval that we desire above all else.  If we have His approval, then we will not covet the approval of others,  We we will be free  to be our selves.   And that is a very liberating place to be!  

James W. Black

A New Beginning

A New Beginning

“I am  Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saithe the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” (Rev. 1: 8 KJV). 

In this statement, Jesus affirms two important things. (1). He is the Almighty God.
(2). All things have their beginning and ending in Him.

With the beginning of a New Year we are reminded once again of just how swiftly time passes.  When we were children time seemed to move very slowly.  But as we entered adulthood we soon began to notice how each successive year seemed to increase in speed. As we got older the passing of those years seemed  to accelerate even more.  We wonder in amazement as to where the time went!  And we begin to realize just how short life really is (Psalm 39:5). Of course time always moves at the same rate of speed. It never changes. After all, God is the One who created time!  His laws of time and space never change. Man can neither  create nor control time. He can only measure it. 

Although we are aware of the swiftness of time, we can take comfort in the fact that Jesus is “timeless”. He exists outside of time. He exists in eternity. Because we are in Him ad He is in us, we literally have eternity dwelling in our hearts (John 17:23).  And each new year is an opportunity to enjoy and savor that eternity as we pass thought this vacuum of time. 

One day we will step out of time and step into eternity.  At that moment we will see the Eternal One who always has been and always will be (1 John 3:2). We will be in the fullness of His manifest presence! We will behold the wonder of His Person in all of His  majesty and glory!  Oh, what a day that will be!  Until then,  let us rejoice in this new year and seek to continually delight in the Eternal One who lives in the heart of the redeemed (Ecc. 3:11 NKJ). His Spirit within us enables us to “taste” the joy of the eternal that awaits us!  (Psalm 34:8).   

Only Jesus can make such a promise! Because He is the only One who has demonstrated that He has the power to keep such a promise!  (John 11:25, Rev. 1:18). 

James W. Black

How Do You Handle Your Weaknesses?

How Do You Handle Your Weaknesses?

“Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know now what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself makes the intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” (Rom. 8:26 KJV). 

In Romans 8:26 the Apostle Paul explains how the Holy Spirit is our helper.  He says “…the Spirit helpeth our infirmities…”. The word infirmities in the KJV means weaknesses.  As human beings, we all have strengths according to how the Lord has wired us.  But we also have weaknesses.  All of us have weaknesses.  These weaknesses are the result of our fallenness.  But the good news of the Gospel is that we have help!

When Jesus ascended to heaven after the resurrection, He sent the Holy Spirit to help us (John 14: 16-18).  The Holy Spirit provides “righteousness” when we feel unrighteous; “peace” when we are tempted to worry or doubt; and “joy” when we face difficulty (Rom. 14:17).  He provides “instruction”  when we do not understand and “comfort” when we feel alone (John 14:26). And He helps us to pray even when we do not know the best way to pray (Rom. 8:26). 

What a joy to realize that in the midst of our weaknesses,  whether they be temptations or trials, we have Someone (The Holy Spirit Himself) to help us!  Call upon Him!  He is already here and ready to help you!” (Jer. 33:3). 

Rev. James W. Black

The Gift of Being Made New

The Gift of Being Made New

“And he that sat upon the throne said: “Behold I make all things new. And he said unto me, “Write for these words are true and faithful.” (Rev. 21:5 KJV).

There is something powerful about the word “new”.  Advertisers know this and use it in promoting their products.  The word “new” catches our attention.  It sparks interest.  It literally calls us to look more closely.  It is indeed a powerful word. 

But that word is even more powerful when it is used by God!  Whenever man makes something new, it does not take long for it to become old.  We enjoy the look, smell and performance of a new car.  We look forward to the new phone, the new computer,  the new dress, or the new boat.   But it does not take long for the new to wear off.  And then that which was new soon becomes old.  But what God makes new is eternal!  It never goes out of date.  It never gets old.  It remains just as fresh and new as the moment He created it. 

God specializes in making things new!  He promises “new life” to those who surrender to Him and walk with Him.  Jesus calls it the “new birth” (John 3:16).  With His mighty resurrection, He made a “new covenant” (Heb. 8: 7-11).  This covenant is an eternal covenant that produces a new kind of righteousness.  It is the very righteousness of Christ Himself (Rom. 3:22).  It is a righteousness that is imparted (or given) rather than a righteousness that seeks to be  earned  by our imperfect, flawed effort (Rom. 6:23).  Jesus promises us a “new body” when we die (1 Cor. 15: 49-58, 1 John 3:2).   And He promises a “new heaven and a new earth” for those who are redeemed.    This current body and this current earth is temporal.  It will not last.  But the new body that the Lord gives is eternal!   The new earth that He will make is far greater than anything that we know today.  And it will culminate in a new life in eternity! 

It will not be marred by sin , sickness and death.  The light of Christ will illuminate it (Rev. 22:5)  and the peace of God will fill it with unspeakable joy (Rev. 5: 11-14).   And the best thing about all of it is that it is a gift!  And like any gift, all we have to do  is to simply receive it (Eph. 2:8-9).

So, as we begin this new year, let us be mindful of the fact that  all of the evil, anger, hatred and noise that we see and hear during this present time, will one day soon give way to the reality of all that God makes new.   Therefore while we wait for it, let us live and rejoice in the One who makes all of this possible! 

Rev. James W. Black