A Prayer for Revival

A Prayer for Revival

“Oh that You would rend the heavens!  That You would come down! That the mountains might shake at Your presence.”

Isaiah 64:1 NKJV

Isaiah was heartbroken over the condition of his people. The nation of Judah had ignored the many warnings of God to return unto Him, but in their pride and arrogance, they refused to listen! Therefore, God had withdrawn His hedge of protection and brought judgment upon them. Their country was decimated by their enemies. The city of Jerusalem was sacked and their beloved Temple, which to them represented the very Presence of God, was in ruins. Everything that God had warned them would happen had happened. Isaiah 63:19 vividly describes their condition: “We have become like those of old, over whom You never ruled, those who were never called by Your name.” (NKJV).

Isaiah understood that the only thing that would change the heart of that generation was a mighty visitation of God! In other words, a genuine revival! In desperation, he cried out for the Lord to: “rend the heavens and come down”. Only the undeniable, Holy, and Sovereign manifestation of God’s Presence in their midst could change their hearts and restore the nation!

As we witness the decline of our nation and its headlong abandonment of the only true and living God; the One who has preserved us and blessed us from the very beginning as a nation; we must realize that our only hope for salvation, preservation and restoration as a nation is God! Therefore let us genuinely humble ourselves in brokenness and repentance before the Lord and desperately cry out to Him as Isaiah did! Let us ask the Lord to have mercy upon us one more time! Our only hope lies in God and God alone!

Rev. James Black