Why Do We Pray for Revival?

Why Do We Pray for Revival?

Prayer is the privilege of talking with the Living God! Through the sacrifice of Jesus for us on the Cross, we now have the privilege of coming into the Presence of God the Father without fear, shame, guilt, or condemnation! We come before Him in the Righteousness of His Son, Jesus; not our own.

Romans 8: 15-16

Jesus literally invites us to partner with Him through prayer in accomplishing His purpose and will in the earth! Prayer is when we spend time quietly before the Living God just listening; not saying a word; waiting in His Presence. It is in this waiting that we hear the voice of God and learn about those things that are upon His heart! It is there in the quietness that He speaks to us, by His Spirit and by His Word, the Bible.

Jeremiah 33:3

John 10:27

It is through prayer that

  •  We cry out to the Living God for those we know who are lost; asking the Holy Spirit to deal with their hearts and bring them to Himself

2 Corinthians 4:4

2 Peter 3:9

  • We battle against the forces of darkness and all their evil plans asking the Lord to nullify and destroy their wicked plans.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

  • The Kingdom of God advances in the earth, and the Lord has chosen in His Sovereignty to invite us to partner with Him in the advancement of His Kingdom!

Matthew 6:10

  • The Holy Spirit is unleashed to reveal the Power and the Glory of God in the earth! Revival is when hearts that have grown cold are awakened once again to the wonder, the awe, and the majesty of the Living God!

Zechariah 4:6

  • The lost are saved and the family and the community is transformed by a fresh, new encounter with the Living God. It is only through prayer that the Lord chooses to accomplish this.

This is why we pray. And this is why we pray for Revival.