“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” (Prov. 23:7 NKJV).
What we think impacts our life. We are not talking about just random disconnected thoughts that race across our mind occasionally. No. We are talking about the thoughts that shape our understanding of life. These thoughts impact the way we live. We make our decisions in life based upon the way we think.
If we think that we have little worth as an individual, then that is the way we will live our life. It will often result in self destructive choices. It we think that life itself has no meaning, then life will become empty to us. If we think that life centers upon us, then we will become self absorbed. If we think there are no consequences to evil actions then we will live a life of lawlessness. If we think money and possessions will bring us joy then we will live a life constantly seeking for more but never have enough. If we think there is no hope, we will live a life filled with darkness, depression and despair.
But if we think the way God wants us to think, then everything changes. If we think that love, mercy, grace, joy, peace, forgiveness and salvation from sin can only be found in Jesus, then we will run to Him. If we think that eternal life can only be 100% guaranteed by Jesus, then we will cling to Him. If we think that Christ alone gives life meaning and purpose, then we will embrace Him fully. If we think that the Bible is true and that God will actually speak to us through His Word, then we will read it and treasure it. And if we believe that God’s Word teaches us how to live so that we can have clear guidance and direction in life, then we will walk in it.
So, what we think is important. It’s important because it determines how we live our life. Our thinking affects everything in our life. And if we will think on the things that God says is important, we will have peace and clarity in a world that is filled with noise and chaos. We will not only know where we are going, but we will know exactly how to get there. (John 14:6, Phil. 4:8).
James W. Black