“”And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee, for Thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek Thee.”
Psalm 9:10 KJV
Our nation is being shaken on many levels. Our nation is being shaken politically. We are seeing things happening in the political arena that previously only happened in dictatorships and third-world countries. We are being shaken economically. Our national debt is soaring to the point of being unsustainable. The interest alone on the national debt is now more than we spend on national defense! We are being shaken socially as the fabric of the family is being undermined, assaulted, and unraveled. We are being shaken morally as we no longer can discern good from evil; right from wrong. We are being shaken intellectually as our educational system, once the finest in the world, has degenerated to the point that the majority of the younger generation can no longer think logically or cognitively. And sadly within our culture, there is neither the will nor the courage to do what is needed to turn things around. In reality, our only hope is for a supernatural move of God!
I personally believe we are experiencing the Remedial Judgments of God. Remedial Judgments are smaller judgments sent by the Lord for the purpose of awaking a nation and motivating the people to humble themselves and return to Him. The Lord always sends Remedial Judgments before His Final Judgment. We can see that in the Lord’s dealings with Israel. With Israel, the Lord sent droughts, locusts, famine, pestilence, war, and invasion by their enemies. When they refused to listen, the judgments grew more severe and intense.
In the first five months of this year, our nation has experienced five major natural disasters causing over 7 Billion dollars in damages thus far. (Source: Fox Weather.
Channel. Google). Such things could cause us to be fearful if we only focus on the natural. But the Lord reminds His people, that those who truly know the Lord, do not need to fear! Our trust is in Him! No matter what the future may hold, His Word reminds us that we can put our trust in Him! He will be with us and guide us through whatever may come! Our trust is in the Lord; not man, not in a political party, and not in the World system in which we live! He has promised to be with all those who seek Him! In the midst of all the shaking, it is good to know we have an unshakable God who gives unshakable promises!
Rev. James W. Black