Too Late to Pray

Too Late to Pray

“Then said the Lord unto me, Pray not for this people for their good.  When they fast, I will not hear their cry; and when they offer burnt offering and an oblation, I will not accept them; but I will consume them by the sword, and by the famine , and by the pestilence.” (Jer. 14: 11-12 KJV). 

This is one  of the most sobering passages in the Bible, along with (Jeremiah 15:1).   Here the Lord instructed Jeremiah to stop praying for the nation of Judah!   Is it possible that God, who is full of love, mercy, grace and is exceedingly patient could reach a point that He will no longer hear the prayers of His people?  Is it possible that God, Who’s patience far exceeds ours can reach a point to where He says:  That is enough?  Absolutely!   

The Southern Kingdom of Judah had witnessed God’s judgement and destruction of the Northern Kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians in 722 BC.   God had sent them prophets to warn them and to implore them to repent and return to Him,  but they refused to listen. Now the Southern Kingdom of Judah is doing the same.  For over 130 years, the Lord had sent prophet after prophet to warn the nation of God’s impending judgment if they did not repent and return unto Him.  But just like the Northern Kingdom, Judah refused to listen.  They had short spurts of revival, but they did not last.  Those revivals did not  impact  the nation long term.  Judah,  like Israel, continued to reject  God.  Now, God had come to the place where He said: That is enough! My judgment will now fall upon this nation! 

God, in His love and mercy gives every individual and every nation the opportunity to repent and return unto Him!   It is called a “space for repentance.”  But if that person or that nation continues on in total rebellion and they continue to harden their heart toward God after He has called them again and again; then the Lord will bring His judgment upon them. 

The message is clear.  God is loving, merciful, full of grace and patient.  But He is also Holy.  And His Holiness demands that unrighteousness and wickedness be judged; especially when those He has called again and again refuse to listen!  Although America may not have yet reached that point, I fear that she is very close.  Let us fervently pray for this nation.  Let us fervently pray for a Great Awakening  while God will still hear!

James W. Black