“I sought the Lord and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”
Psalm 34:4 KJV
David was a man of courage but he also knew the reality of fear. He lived in fearful times. He was being hunted by King Saul who wanted to kill him. He, along with his men, were having to hide in the land of the Philistines, the enemies of Israel. He had to be constantly on the move lest he be discovered by his enemies. One misstep could result in death; not only for himself but for all those who were with him. But David knew that the remedy for fear could only be found in God Himself. Therefore in the face of fear, David sought the Lord!
When we genuinely seek the Lord, He will reveal Himself unto us! We discover afresh and anew that the Lord is our refuge and our strength (Psalm 46:1). We begin to see things from God’s perspective rather than our circumstances. We recognize that He is the Sovereign and Almighty God; the Great El Shaddai! We remember that we can trust Him. We have nothing to fear (Psalm 27:1).
We live in fearful times also. Each one of us faces our own personal difficulties and struggles in life. We also see the many challenges facing our nation. We see how our government is unwilling and often inept in its ability to deal with anything. We see the decline of our culture. We see the rise of anti-Christian sentiment in our society. We see the unrest in the Middle East. We see the rise of China and the War in Ukraine, which could easily get out of hand and become much bigger than anyone ever thought. We fear for our children and our grandchildren and the difficult future they will face without a change of course in our culture.
But if we can keep our focus on Jesus and teach our children to do the same, then we have nothing to fear! Our God is more than enough for ourselves and for the next generation. It is all a matter of seeking Him, trusting Him, and resting in Him! For in Him, there is no fear!
Rev. James W. Black