“But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me.” (Psalm 13: 5-6 NIV -1973 Edition).
There is no song like the song of the redeemed. The ability to express what we know and feel in our heart through song is a gift from God. Often we think that only the talented or the gifted can sing. And while we are blessed by those who who do have those gifts, the privilege of singing is available to all. That is why when we assemble for corporate worship, we use music and singing to express our joy and gratitude to the Lord for Who He is and what He has done for us. Whenever we sing corporately everyone can join in and be a part.
The cumulative blending of our voices together in genuine worship creates a sound that ascends to the Throne of God! In the combined expression of voices , no one hears the individual but the cumulative expression of the whole. The Lord sees and hears our singing and rejoices over us by manifesting His Presence in our midst. (Psalm 22:3). And He, Himself rejoices over us with singing! (Zephaniah 3:17).
So often we feel inadequate in our ability to express with words, what we feel in our heart toward the Lord. We feel at a loss as to what to say. But the Lord gives people the talent and ability to write music and pen words that we can use to express our heart to the Lord. The words of those songs become our words. The expression of those words become the expression of our own heart. The song is a gift that helps us declare our love for the Lord.
The reason we can sing is because of the goodness of God that He has poured out upon our lives. We rejoice in our salvation, His love, His mercy and His amazing grace! Above all people on the face of the earth, the redeemed have the greatest reason to sing! So whenever we gather together to worship, let us join our voices and sing to the One who is worthy of all praise!
James W. Black