“Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature…” – 2nd Peter 1:4
The promises of God are without equal! The promises of God are absolute; meaning that they will be fulfilled! The Character and the Power of God are behind each promise that He makes! They are greater than we can possibly imagine. As the hymn says; we can “stand on the promises of God.”
But it is important for us to understand that there are different categories of God’s promises. Some of the promises of God are unconditional; meaning that they apply to all people at all times. Such is the promise of Salvation. It is offered to all who believe (that is put their complete trust) in Jesus. His love, forgiveness, and amazing grace are available to all who call upon Him in faith! (John 3:16, Rom. 10:13). This promise enables all who put their trust in Christ to experience the life-changing, transforming power of the Holy Spirit and receive a new life! (2 Cor. 5:17).
There are some promises that are specifically for the Nation of Israel. They are God’s Covenantal Promise unto them. (Gen. 12:3). Some promises are conditional; meaning that we have a responsibility for those promises to be fulfilled. If we honor, obey Him and meet the conditions He has asked, specific blessings will follow. But if we walk in dishonor and obedience certain curses will follow as a result. (Deuteronomy 28).
All of God’s promises are given out of His love for His people! They are designed to bless His people! All of His promises are given to enable His people to experience the goodness of God in their lives. One of the greatest ways we can grow in our faith is to begin walking by faith in the promises that God has given unto us. As we do, we will experience the reality of those promises being manifested in our lives. And we will begin to experience God in our daily lives!
Let us be thankful that we have such an awesome God who makes such astounding promises to us!
Rev. James W. Black