The Lord Hears Our Cry

The Lord Hears Our Cry

“The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open unto their cry.”

Psalm 34:15 KJV

Have you ever wondered if the Lord hears you? The Word of God declares that He does! The Lord sees and hears both the good and the bad in everyone’s life.  Nothing escapes Him!   

But His ear is especially attentive to those He has redeemed!  The redeemed are those who have been made righteous by the precious blood of Christ (1 Pet. 1: 18-19).  The redeemed are His children.  No good parent ignores the cry of their child!  How much more then does our Heavenly Father hear the cry of His children!   

The question arises, however, as to why the answer to our cry has not yet come. There are many reasons. Sometimes the Lord is working in the lives of others in order to bring them to a place where they will respond.   This is especially true concerning our lost loved ones and our prodigals.  All of them are resistant to the drawing of the Holy Spirit.  It takes time for Him to break through their barriers of resistance. Sometimes He is working to orchestrate situations and circumstances that will meet our needs.  That too involves others. They too must respond to the Lord’s nudging in their heart.   Sometimes the answer is no because He knows that what we are asking for is not the best thing for us.

And sometimes, He is working to prepare us for the answer.   The delay deepens our faith; strengthens our perseverance and deepens our trust in Him and His Word!   If we continue to persevere and not waver, the Lord will respond with exactly what is needed at exactly the right time.

James W. Black