“According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that had called us to glory and virtue.” (2 Peter 1:3 KJV)
When we surrendered our life to Jesus, the Holy Spirit came and took up residence inside our inner man (our spirit). In that moment of the “new birth” ( John 3:3), we received the “divine nature” of Christ Himself! (2 Pet. 1:4, Col. 1:27). This “divine power” now within us, enables us and empowers us to live a life that is not only pleasing to God the Father but also a life that will bring Him glory in the earth! In essence, the Lord has made every provision for us to live a godly life!
As we begin this new life in Christ, we soon discover a new conflict we did not expect! That conflict is the “old nature” that is still very much alive within us. This “old nature” does not like submitting to the “new nature.” It has been dethroned. It is no longer in charge. Therefore the “old nature” seeks every opportunity to re-assert itself. At times we find ourselves in a struggle. But the fact that we experience the conflict is another proof that our new life in Christ is real because before Christ we did not have the struggle. (Rom. 7:22-23).
The key to releasing this “divine power” in our life is growing in our knowledge of Jesus. It is more than just head knowledge. It is experiential knowledge that comes from stepping out in faith, trusting Him, and simply doing what He teaches us to do in His Word. As we do, His power is released in us and our knowledge of Christ grows deeper. As we grow in Him, we receive a greater understanding of just how much He truly loves us. As we grow in Him, we have a greater understanding of what He has actually accomplished for us. As we grow in Him, we learn more about how to surrender to Him. As we grow in Him, we learn more about what it means to enthrone Him in our life. As we grow in Him, we learn more about the Holy Spirit and how He empowers us to live for Christ.
As we grow in Him, we discover that we don’t need more faith, more strength, more power, or anything else. We discover that He has already given us everything that we need. All that is required is to surrender to Him continually and draw upon all the resources of Heaven that is readily available to us.
Rev. James W. Black